Bar.on Relocates to Leuven’s Bio-Incubator, Enhancing Research and Development Opportunities

September 24, 2024: Bar.on, a pioneering company in the non-alcoholic beverage sector, is pleased to announce its relocation to the Bio-Incubator in Leuven. Following a productive tenure at BlueChem in Antwerp, this move signifies a return to the city where Bar.on was established, positioning the company closer to vital research institutions and collaborators.

The new facility, located adjacent to Professor Kevin Verstrepen’s lab, provides Bar.on with enhanced opportunities for innovation and collaboration. The significantly larger lab space at the Bio-Incubator will facilitate expanded research and development activities, enabling the team to advance their product offerings and explore new avenues for growth.

While the relocation entails logistical challenges, including the careful packing and transportation of equipment, the Bar.on team is committed to ensuring a smooth transition. The excitement surrounding this new chapter is grounded in the potential it holds for advancing the company’s mission of delivering sustainable beverage options.

Bar.on’s investment campaign remains active, inviting interested investors to participate in the company’s growth journey. Prospective investors are encouraged to review the Key Investment Information Sheet and familiarize themselves with the associated risks prior to making any commitments.

This move to Leuven not only strengthens Bar.on’s operational capabilities but also reinforces its commitment to fostering closer ties within the local research community, setting the stage for future innovations in the sustainable beverage industry.

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