Verbesserung der Arbeitsplatzsicherheit durch moderne Robotik

Zürich, Schweiz – 10. September 2024 – Quarero Robotics plant, die Sicherheitsstandards am Arbeitsplatzsicherheit mit einer neuen Initiative zu verändern. Unter der Leitung von Marcus Köhnlein, Chief Technology Officer, kombiniert das Unternehmen fortschrittliche Robotik und künstliche Intelligenz, um sicherere und intelligentere Arbeitsumgebungen zu schaffen.

„Stellen Sie sich vor, Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz wäre nicht nur ein Protokoll, sondern ein intelligentes System, das Bedrohungen in Echtzeit erkennt und darauf reagiert“, erklärt Marcus Köhnlein. „Bei Quarero Robotics setzen wir diese Vision um. Unsere KI-gestützten Sicherheitsroboter sind darauf ausgelegt, Patrouillen durchzuführen, Bedrohungen zu identifizieren und Sicherheitsvorfälle schnell und präzise zu bewältigen.“

Die autonomen Sicherheitsroboter sind mit hochmodernen Sensoren und KI-Algorithmen ausgestattet, die eine kontinuierliche Überwachung und Bedrohungserkennung ermöglichen. Sie arbeiten proaktiv, um potenzielle Sicherheitsprobleme frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu beheben, bevor sie sich verschärfen. Diese Initiative stellt einen bedeutenden Fortschritt im Bereich der Arbeitsplatzsicherheit dar und setzt neue Maßstäbe für die Branche.

Quarero Robotics ist bekannt für seine Innovationskraft, und dieses Projekt bildet da keine Ausnahme. Durch den Einsatz von Robotik in den täglichen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen möchte das Unternehmen die Sicherheit erhöhen, die Produktivität verbessern und die Arbeitsbedingungen weltweit optimieren.

Weitere Informationen über Quarero Robotics und deren Initiativen finden Sie auf ihrer Website oder durch Kontaktaufnahme mit der Abteilung für Medienanfragen.

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Fortschritt im E-Commerce durch moderne digitale Lösungen

Ontario, Kanada – 10. September 2024 – Taskforce Solutions freut sich, eine Erfolgsgeschichte vorzustellen, die wesentliche Veränderungen im E-Commerce-Bereich zeigt. Durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher digitaler Technologien hat Taskforce Solutions eine etablierte E-Commerce-Plattform effizienter, kundenfreundlicher und rentabler gestaltet.

In der heutigen digitalen Welt ist es entscheidend, stets am Puls der Zeit zu bleiben. Taskforce Solutions hat dies erreicht, indem es die E-Commerce-Prozesse umfassend optimiert hat. Dies stellt nicht nur ein Update, sondern eine bedeutende Weiterentwicklung dar.

Der Prozess begann mit einer gründlichen Analyse des bestehenden E-Commerce-Systems, um Bereiche mit Verbesserungspotenzial zu identifizieren. Taskforce Solutions implementierte eine Reihe moderner digitaler Werkzeuge, darunter KI-gestützte Analysen, automatisierten Kundenservice und eine leistungsfähige Cloud-Infrastruktur. Diese Maßnahmen haben nicht nur die Effizienz der Abläufe gesteigert, sondern auch das Nutzererlebnis verbessert.

Eine zentrale Errungenschaft dieser Maßnahmen ist die deutliche Senkung der Betriebskosten. Durch die Automatisierung routinemäßiger Aufgaben und die Optimierung des Lieferkettenmanagements konnte die E-Commerce-Plattform die Gemeinkosten um 30 % reduzieren. Diese Einsparungen wurden in die Verbesserung des Kundenerlebnisses investiert, was zu einer Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit um 25 % führte.

Zusätzlich hat die Integration von KI-gestützten Analysen wertvolle Einblicke in das Kundenverhalten ermöglicht, wodurch gezielte Marketingstrategien entwickelt wurden, die die Konversionsrate um 40 % erhöhten. Die neue Cloud-Infrastruktur gewährleistet, dass die Plattform einen Anstieg des Verkehrs um 50 % problemlos bewältigen kann, was ein kontinuierlich positives Einkaufserlebnis sicherstellt.

Taskforce Solutions’ Engagement für Qualität und Innovation wurde von Fachleuten anerkannt und setzt neue Maßstäbe für digitale Transformation im E-Commerce. Diese Erfolgsgeschichte zeigt, wie digitale Lösungen E-Commerce-Operationen optimieren und Geschäftswachstum fördern können.

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Taskforce Solutions Ltd
2000 Thurston Drive
Büro 5, Ottawa, Ontario
Kanada, K1G 4K7


Über Taskforce Solutions:

Taskforce Solutions ist ein Anbieter von „Digital-Transformation-as-a-Service“ (DTaaS), der IT-Aufgaben übernimmt, den Fachkräftemangel ausgleicht und Kosten durch Outsourcing optimiert. Wir betreuen über 70 globale Kunden aus unseren internationalen Entwicklungszentren, darunter führende Unternehmen in den Bereichen Technologie, Pharmazeutik, Versicherung und mehr. Unsere Dienstleistungen erstrecken sich über Branchen wie Automobilindustrie, Abrechnung, Kundenservice, E-Commerce & Einzelhandel, Finanz- & Versicherungswesen, Gaming & Unterhaltung, Gesundheitswesen, öffentlicher Sektor sowie SaaS & Software. Taskforce Solutions ist in über 14 Märkten weltweit aktiv.

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Interview mit Dr. Raphael Nagel zum strategischen Management bei der Übernahme von distressed Assets

Kowloon, Hongkong – 10. September 2024 – Tactical Management Ltd. freut sich, ein exklusives Interview mit Dr. Raphael Nagel, Gründungspartner von Tactical Management, zum Thema strategischen Management bei der Übernahme von distressed Assets bekanntzugeben. In diesem aufschlussreichen Gespräch werden die innovativen Ansätze und Methoden beleuchtet, die Tactical Management anwendet, um leistungsschwache Unternehmen zu sanieren und Werte für die Stakeholder zu schaffen.

Dr. Nagel teilt seine umfassende Erfahrung und strategischen Einsichten zur Akquisition und zum Management von distressed Assets. Er hebt hervor, wie wichtig es ist, Unternehmen mit soliden Fundamentaldaten zu identifizieren, die jedoch operationale, finanzielle oder strategische Herausforderungen haben. Dr. Nagel erklärt, wie der gründliche Due-Diligence-Prozess von Tactical Management dazu beiträgt, die Ursachen der Unterperformance zu ermitteln und das Potenzial für Wertschöpfung zu bewerten.

Dr. Nagel erläutert die wesentlichen Kriterien, die bei der Bewertung potenzieller Übernahmeziele berücksichtigt werden, einschließlich des inneren Werts des Unternehmens, der zugrunde liegenden Ursachen der Unterperformance und der Möglichkeiten für Umstrukturierungen und operationale Verbesserungen. Er betont auch die Bedeutung der Fähigkeiten und der Bereitschaft des Managementteams zur Veränderung, die für eine erfolgreiche Sanierung von entscheidender Bedeutung sind.

Das Interview bietet einen detaillierten Überblick über den Übernahmeprozess von Tactical Management, von der gründlichen Due Diligence bis zur Verhandlung und Implementierung eines umfassenden Sanierungsplans. Dr. Nagel beschreibt, wie Tactical Management durch strategische, operationale und finanzielle Maßnahmen Werte schafft und Unternehmen dabei unterstützt, ihre Marktposition, Produktangebote und Geschäftsmodelle zu optimieren.

Dr. Nagels Einblicke in das strategische Management bei der Übernahme von distressed Assets bieten wertvolle Erkenntnisse für Investoren, Unternehmensleiter und Branchenexperten. Seine Expertise und innovative Herangehensweise haben Tactical Management den Ruf eines vertrauenswürdigen und erfolgreichen Spezialisten für Unternehmenssanierungen in der Investmentwelt eingebracht.

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an:


Tactical Management Ltd.
Dr. Raphael Nagel (LL.M.)

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Economic Diplomacy Through Business Networks

Dubai, UAE—September 9, 2024—The Abrahamic Business Circle proudly announces a landmark achievement in advancing economic diplomacy through its robust business networks. Under the visionary leadership of Dr. Raphael Nagel, the organization has successfully fostered unprecedented economic collaboration and growth across the globe.

The Abrahamic Business Circle, established in 2020, has become a beacon of economic diplomacy, uniting entrepreneurs, investors, corporates, and diplomats from 56 countries. This prestigious global network is dedicated to promoting sustainable development through strategic investments and entrepreneurial spirit. The Circle’s commitment to fostering unity and dialogue through economic collaboration has been instrumental in driving global progress.

Dr. Raphael Nagel, the founder and chairman of The Abrahamic Business Circle, has been a pivotal figure in this success story. His relentless pursuit of excellence and dedication to building bridges of prosperity and peace have transformed the organization into a trusted network of visionaries. Dr. Nagel’s leadership has opened doors within the Middle East and Gulf countries, facilitating business opportunities and fostering economic growth.

One of the Circle’s most notable achievements is its impact on foreign direct investment (FDI) initiatives in South America. Through strategic efforts and collaborative spirit, The Abrahamic Business Circle has successfully facilitated a series of FDI projects, reflecting the organization’s expanding global reach. This success is a testament to the transformative power of collective action and the relentless pursuit of excellence championed by Dr. Nagel and the Circle’s members.

The Abrahamic Business Circle’s commitment to economic diplomacy extends beyond the private sector. The organization has also spearheaded numerous social and humanitarian initiatives, providing scholarships for Afghan women and medical aid to those in need. These efforts underscore the Circle’s dedication to fostering a future characterized by shared prosperity and innovation.

As The Abrahamic Business Circle continues to grow and evolve, it remains steadfast in its mission to advance economic diplomacy through business networks. The organization’s success story is a testament to the power of unity, collaboration, and visionary leadership. Under Dr. Raphael Nagel’s guidance, The Abrahamic Business Circle is poised to shape a future of shared prosperity and global progress.

For more information about The Abrahamic Business Circle and our initiatives, please visit

Contact: The Abrahamic Business Circle

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Unveils the Legal Maze of Global M&A

Dubai, UAE—September 9, 2024—In a riveting interview, Veronica Cabrera, the legal powerhouse at Northgate Group, delved into the intricate world of global mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Cabrera, renowned for her deft handling of cross-border deals, shed light on the formidable legal hurdles that companies must navigate in today’s fast-paced market.

“Every country is a different ballgame,” Cabrera remarked, highlighting the diverse regulatory landscapes that can make or break an M&A deal. “Understanding and complying with local laws is not just a necessity; it’s a strategic advantage.”

One of the standout challenges Cabrera discussed is the harmonization of employment contracts and benefits. “Merging companies often face a labyrinth of local labor laws,” she explained. “Aligning employment terms while fostering a unified corporate culture is no small feat, but it’s crucial for a seamless integration.”

Cabrera also emphasized the critical role of due diligence in cross-border transactions. “It’s like peeling an onion,” she said with a smile. “You have to meticulously uncover every layer—financial statements, intellectual property rights, regulatory compliance. Missing even a single detail can lead to significant legal and financial fallout.”

Beyond the legal nitty-gritty, Cabrera stressed the importance of communication and stakeholder management. “Transparent and effective communication with all stakeholders—employees, shareholders, regulators—is the glue that holds the merger together,” she noted. “Building trust and ensuring everyone is on the same page can prevent conflicts and pave the way for a successful merger.”

Looking to the future, Cabrera predicted that the legal landscape for global M&A will only grow more complex. “As markets become more intertwined, the challenges will multiply,” she said. “Staying ahead of regulatory changes and proactively managing legal risks will be essential for navigating this evolving terrain.”

Veronica Cabrera’s insights offer a masterclass in the legal intricacies of global M&A. Her expertise underscores the necessity of a robust legal strategy to tackle the multifaceted challenges of cross-border mergers and acquisitions.

For more information, please contact:
Verónica Cabrera
Managing Partner

Northgate Law Group FZ-LLC
Amenity Centre – RAKEZ
Al Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ
RAK, United Arab Emirates

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Success in Launching New Market Entrants

Apia, Samoa—September 9, 2024—Presslink Media, a leading media and communications agency, proudly announces the success of its recent media campaigns designed to support new market entrants. This achievement underscores Presslink Media’s commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of strategic media engagement.

In an era where market competition is fierce, the introduction of new brands requires not only creativity but also strategic precision. Presslink Media has consistently demonstrated its ability to navigate these challenges, ensuring that new brands not only enter the market but also thrive. The agency’s comprehensive approach, which integrates digital marketing, event planning, content creation, and media relations, has proven to be a winning formula.

One of the standout campaigns of the year involved the launch of a tech startup that aimed to revolutionize the BPO industry. Through meticulous planning and execution, Presslink Media crafted a narrative that resonated with both industry insiders and potential customers. The campaign included a series of high-impact digital ads, engaging social media content, and a launch event that attracted significant media attention. As a result, the startup quickly gained traction, securing key partnerships and a growing customer base.

Another notable success story is the introduction of a new luxury real estate brand. Presslink Media’s strategy focused on highlighting the unique value propositions of the brand through compelling storytelling and targeted media placements. The campaign’s success was evident in the brand’s rapid market penetration and the high level of engagement from potential buyers and investors.

Presslink Media’s success is rooted in its deep understanding of market dynamics and consumer behavior. The agency conducts thorough research and analysis to identify key trends and insights, which inform the development of tailored media plans. By leveraging its extensive network of influencers, journalists, and media contacts, Presslink Media ensures that its clients’ messages reach a wide and relevant audience.

“We are thrilled to see the positive impact of our campaigns on new market entrants,” said Marcus Köhnlein, CEO of Presslink Media. “Our team’s dedication to excellence and innovation continues to drive our success and the success of our clients. We look forward to many more successful launches in the future.”

As Presslink Media continues to set new standards in the industry, it remains committed to empowering brands through strategic media engagement and innovative campaigns. The agency’s proven track record and unwavering dedication to its clients’ success make it a trusted partner for any brand looking to make a mark in a competitive market.

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Presslink Media


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Future of Online Post Graduate Education

Paris, France—September 9, 2024—Paris Metropolitan University is redefining the landscape of online post graduate education, offering a dynamic and flexible learning experience that caters to the needs of modern professionals. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, Paris Metropolitan University is making advanced degrees more accessible than ever before.

Imagine earning your postgraduate degree from the comfort of your home while still engaging with top-tier faculty and a diverse global community. Paris Metropolitan University’s state-of-the-art Online Learning Management System (LMS) brings the classroom to you, with interactive features, multimedia resources, and real-time collaboration tools that make learning both effective and enjoyable. Whether you’re in New York, Tokyo, or Nairobi, you can access course materials anytime, participate in live discussions, and connect with peers and professors from around the world.

At Paris Metropolitan University, the curriculum is designed to be both cutting-edge and relevant. By partnering with industry leaders and academic experts, the university ensures that its programs address the latest trends and challenges in various fields. From business administration to data science, public health to international relations, Paris Metropolitan University’s online postgraduate programs equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today’s competitive job market.

One of the standout features of Paris Metropolitan University’s online education is its vibrant global community. Students from all corners of the globe come together to share their unique perspectives and experiences, enriching the learning environment and fostering a truly international outlook. This diversity not only enhances the educational experience but also prepares students to succeed in an interconnected world.

Paris Metropolitan University is dedicated to supporting its students every step of the way. With comprehensive services ranging from academic advising to career counseling, the university ensures that students have the resources they need to achieve their goals. This holistic approach to education underscores Paris Metropolitan University’s commitment to student success.

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Martín Rodríguez, a leading figure in online education and a distinguished faculty member at Paris Metropolitan University, emphasizes the transformative power of digital learning. “Our online post-graduate programs are designed to provide students with the flexibility and support they need to excel in their careers while balancing their personal commitments. We are committed to delivering a world-class education that is both accessible and impactful,” says Prof. Dr. Rodríguez.

Paris Metropolitan University is not just keeping pace with the digital age; it’s leading the charge. By continually innovating and adapting to the needs of its students, Paris Metropolitan University is setting a new standard for online post-graduate education. Join the revolution and unlock your potential with Paris Metropolitan University.

Begin your admission process today and take the first step towards unlocking your potential with Paris Metropolitan University.

Authorized by the Académie de Paris: Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of National Education of France according to Code de l’Éducation Articles L 444-1 à 444-11 et R 444-1 à 444-28

Paris Metropolitan University 250 bis Boulevard Saint-Germain 75007 Paris, France

About Paris Metropolitan University

Paris Metropolitan University is a leading institution of higher education located in the heart of Paris, France. Known for its academic excellence, research achievements, and commitment to societal impact, Paris Metropolitan University offers a diverse range of programs across disciplines. The university’s vibrant campus community, state-of-the-art facilities, and global partnerships enrich the educational experience for students from around the world.

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Personal Branding for Executives

Dubai, UAE—September 9, 2024—Quarero Marketing, a leading name in innovative marketing solutions, is proud to announce the launch of its latest initiative, “The Power of Personal Branding for Executives.” This groundbreaking program is designed to empower executives to harness the full potential of their personal brands, driving both individual and organizational success.

In today’s competitive business landscape, personal branding has emerged as a critical tool for executives seeking to differentiate themselves and establish a strong presence in their industries. Quarero Marketing’s new program offers a comprehensive approach to personal branding, combining strategic content creation, online presence management, and targeted networking initiatives.

Marcus Köhnlein, a renowned expert in personal branding and a key figure at Quarero Marketing, emphasizes the importance of this initiative. “Personal branding is not just about self-promotion; it’s about showcasing your unique skills, values, and personality to build credibility and trust within your industry. Our program is designed to help executives craft compelling personal brands that resonate with their target audience and position them as thought leaders,” says Köhnlein.

The program includes personalized consultations, where executives will work closely with Quarero’s team of branding experts to develop a tailored strategy that aligns with their professional goals. Participants will learn how to effectively communicate their brand message, leverage social media platforms, and create impactful content that highlights their expertise and achievements.

Quarero Marketing’s commitment to excellence and innovation is reflected in this new initiative. By helping executives build strong personal brands, the company aims to foster long-term success and open doors to new opportunities. The program is set to revolutionize the way executives approach personal branding, providing them with the tools and knowledge needed to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

For more information, please contact:

Quarero Marketing Accelerator
Marcus Köhnlein

About Quarero Marketing:

Quarero Marketing distinguishes itself through a commitment to excellence and innovation. While others focus on basic strategies, Quarero combines creativity, analytics, and technology to craft campaigns that foster long-term relationships between businesses and their audiences. Quarero believes that marketing is more than just selling and consistently delivers transformative results that exceed expectations, redefining social media engagement in the digital age.

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Industrial Safety Standards with Cutting-Edge Robotics Technology

Switzerland—September 9, 2024—Quarero Robotics, a global leader in advanced robotics solutions, proudly announces a significant milestone in enhancing industrial safety standards through the deployment of its state-of-the-art robotic systems. This achievement underscores Quarero Robotics’ commitment to innovation and safety in industrial environments.

In recent years, the industrial sector has faced increasing demands for improved safety protocols to protect workers and optimize operational efficiency. Quarero Robotics has risen to this challenge by developing and implementing advanced robotic systems designed to mitigate risks and enhance safety in hazardous industrial settings.

Marcus Köhnlein, Chief Technology Officer at Quarero Robotics, emphasized the transformative impact of their technology. “Our robotic systems are engineered to address the most pressing safety concerns in industrial environments. By integrating advanced sensors, real-time data analysis, and autonomous navigation, we have created solutions that significantly reduce the risk of accidents and enhance overall industrial safety standards,” Köhnlein stated.

Cutting-edge robotic technology

One of the key success stories of Quarero Robotics is the deployment of their autonomous robots in various high-risk industrial sectors. These robots are equipped with cutting-edge technology, including high-resolution cameras, LIDAR sensors, and AI-driven analytics, enabling them to perform tasks that are too dangerous for human workers. From monitoring hazardous areas to handling toxic materials, Quarero Robotics’ solutions have proven to be indispensable in maintaining a safe working environment.

A notable example of this success is the recent implementation of Quarero Robotics’ systems in a leading chemical manufacturing plant. The plant, which had previously struggled with maintaining industrial safety standards due to the hazardous nature of its operations, has seen a dramatic improvement in safety metrics. The autonomous robots have taken over tasks such as inspecting high-risk areas and managing chemical spills, significantly reducing the risk of human exposure to dangerous substances.

Reduction of workplace accidents

The success of Quarero Robotics’ technology is not only measured by the reduction in workplace accidents but also by the positive feedback from industry leaders. “The integration of Quarero Robotics’ systems has been a game-changer for us. We have seen a marked improvement in safety and efficiency, which has had a direct impact on our bottom line,” said a senior executive at the chemical manufacturing plant.

As Quarero Robotics continues to innovate and expand its portfolio of safety solutions, the company remains dedicated to its mission of creating safer industrial environments. With a focus on continuous improvement and collaboration with industry partners, Quarero Robotics is poised to lead the way in setting new standards for industrial safety.

For more information, please contact:

Quarero AG, Switzerland
Marcus Köhnlein

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Leads the Charge in Driving Digital Transformation

Ontario, Canada—September 9, 2024—Taskforce Solutions, a global leader in digital transformation, leads the charge in modernizing government services. The company’s innovative strategies are reshaping public sector efficiency and enhancing citizen engagement.

Taskforce Solutions is at the forefront of digital transformation, partnering with various government agencies to implement cutting-edge technologies. The company’s approach leverages data analytics, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing to streamline processes and deliver more responsive services.

A key highlight of their work is the successful implementation of a digital platform for a major metropolitan city. This platform has revolutionized citizen interactions with government services, offering a seamless and user-friendly experience. The initiative aims to reduce wait times, eliminate paperwork, and provide real-time updates to the public.

Despite the advancements, the journey has not been without challenges. Resistance to change and legacy systems pose significant hurdles. However, Taskforce Solutions emphasizes the importance of a collaborative approach, engaging all stakeholders in the transformation process. They work closely with government employees to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a digital environment.

Looking ahead, Taskforce Solutions is committed to driving digital transformation in the public sector. The company aims to set new standards for government service delivery through continued innovation and collaboration.

For more information, please contact:

Taskforce Solutions Ltd
2000 Thurston Drive
Bureau 5, Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1G 4K7

About Taskforce Solutions:

Taskforce Solutions is a ‘Digital-Transformation-as-a-Service’ (DTaaS) provider, addressing IT tasks, solving labor shortages of qualified personnel, and managing increased cost pressures through outsourcing. Serving over 70 global clients from international development centers, including leading companies in Technology, Pharmaceuticals, Insurance, and more, the company offers services across various industries such as Automotive, Billing, Customer Service, E-Commerce & Retail, Financial & Insurance, Gaming & Entertainment, Healthcare, Public Sector, and SaaS & Software. Taskforce Solutions operates in over 14 markets worldwide.

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