Trusted Partner for Rotary Processing Equipment Solutions

Pennsylvania, US – October 24, 2024 Finch Manufacturing & Technology, LLC (FinchMT), established in 1855, is a trusted partner of Rotary Kilns, Dryers, and other Rotary Processing Equipment (RPE). With over 165 years of excellence, we are the only ISO 9001:2015 certified company in our industry, delivering precision-crafted parts and tailored solutions to optimize your operations.

At Finch Manufacturing, we measure our success by producing the highest-quality kiln and dryer components made from the best materials, designed for optimum fit, form, and function that lasts! We achieve this by practicing our mission statement every day:

Provide our customers with high-quality parts, equipment, and engineering services in a cost-effective & customer-focused manner that exceeds their expectations.

“The highest quality parts designed for optimum fit, form, and function.” – Our philosophy reflects our commitment to quality and reliability. As an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization, quality at Finch Manufacturing & Technology is ingrained throughout the whole process from design to manufacture to install and beyond. All parts are reviewed at least twice in the design stage, inspected throughout the manufacturing process, and inspected by an engineer and plant supervisor prior to shipment.

Mike Brown, Finch Manufacturing’s COO, emphasizes, “All Parts are not EQUAL! At Finch Manufacturing & Technology, our quality parts start at the beginning with discussions with the customer. What is really needed? Were there any prior issues with the kiln or component? What improvements do our customers require? Our engineers ask these questions and actively listen.”

Often, our customers just send in the PO knowing Finch Manufacturing will provide the best part for their needs due to our earned trust. The Finch engineers use their experience and thousands of drawings to create the most effective design, including materials. If the Finch engineering team sees an opportunity for greater throughput or efficiency, they will discuss this with the customer.

The Finch Manufacturing design team of engineers specifies best practices and, based on years of experience, chooses the best and longest-lasting parts, such as using 4140 forged steel for trunnion heads, hardened to a specific Rockwell measurement. Finch uses only optimal materials and processes that are traceable or certified unless the customer asks for the lowest-cost option due to financial pressures, knowing these lower-cost materials do not last.

For one large customer, the Finch engineering team put the customer first by standardizing the trunnions at nine different plants, vastly reducing the quantity of spares required and saving the customer hundreds of thousands in capital. They know these interchangeable parts can be shipped to most of their sites, and they ship the replaced trunnions back to Finch for possible refurbishment, saving tens of thousands more!

A quality part for Partners

“At Finch Manufacturing, we believe in honesty first,” says Bob Zinnen, CEO. “A quality part is essential, but it must be completed as planned and delivered when needed or as agreed to by both parties. Finch will be honest about delivery dates and not overpromise to win an RFQ as some others do. We are committed to long-term partnerships, fair pricing, and providing only what you need, especially in these uncertain and challenging economic conditions.”

Finch Manufacturing & Technology, LLC serves a wide range of industries, including cement, metal recycling, asphalt, and aggregate, offering unparalleled customer service and technical expertise across the United States.


Finch Manufacturing & Technology, LLC
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
Office: (570) 655-2277
540 Montgomery Ave.
West Pittston, PA 18643

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Tactical Management: Ihr Spezialist für Special Situations und Turnaround-Investitionen

Zürich, 23. Oktober 2024 – Tactical Management, ein führender internationaler Akteur im Bereich Private Equity, positioniert sich als der verlässliche Partner für Unternehmen in herausfordernden Situationen. Mit Standorten in Zürich, Hongkong, London und New York bietet Tactical Management maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Unternehmen, die mit wirtschaftlichen Schwierigkeiten kämpfen, und unterstützt sie durch gezielte Restrukturierungs- und Turnaround-Strategien.

Spezialist für Special Situations In Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheiten steht Tactical Management Unternehmen mit innovativen und flexiblen Ansätzen zur Seite. Das Unternehmen hat sich auf sogenannte “Special Situations” spezialisiert, bei denen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen gefragt sind, um Unternehmen aus der Krise zu führen und wieder auf den Wachstumspfad zu bringen.

Turnaround-Investor mit langjähriger Erfahrung Als erfahrener Turnaround-Investor bietet Tactical Management weit mehr als reine Finanzinvestitionen. Durch tiefes Branchenwissen und gezielte Managementberatung gelingt es dem Unternehmen, Firmen zu stabilisieren, zu restrukturieren und langfristig erfolgreich zu machen. Tactical Management kauft nicht nur Firmen, sondern setzt auf die nachhaltige Neuausrichtung, um den langfristigen Erfolg der übernommenen Unternehmen zu gewährleisten.

Expertise in Nachfolgeplanung und Carve-outsDie Übergabe eines Unternehmens erfordert eine wohlüberlegte Planung. Tactical Management bietet umfassende Nachfolgelösungen, die sowohl den Fortbestand des Unternehmens als auch die Vision des Gründers respektieren. Für Firmen, die Teile ihres Geschäfts abstoßen möchten, bietet Tactical Management professionelle Unterstützung bei Carve-outs und sorgt für eine nahtlose Abwicklung, während das Kerngeschäft gestärkt wird.

Individuelle Lösungen für gesundheitliche Herausforderungen und Erbsituationen Tactical Management versteht die Dringlichkeit, die gesundheitliche Probleme und Erbsituationen mit sich bringen können. In solchen Fällen bietet das Unternehmen flexible und nachhaltige Lösungen, um Unternehmen Stabilität zu verleihen und gleichzeitig Kontinuität und Erfolg sicherzustellen.

Warum Tactical Management?

Tactical Management ist mehr als nur ein Käufer – wir sind ein strategischer Partner mit einem klaren Fokus auf die nachhaltige Sanierung und den langfristigen Erfolg von Unternehmen. Unser umfassendes Netzwerk und unsere Erfahrung in der Übernahme und Restrukturierung von Firmen machen uns zum idealen Partner für Unternehmen in herausfordernden Situationen.


Zürich, Schweiz
Telefon: +41 43 508 74 35

Über Tactical Management:

Tactical Management ist ein international tätiges Private Equity Unternehmen, das sich auf die Restrukturierung, Sanierung und den Turnaround von Unternehmen spezialisiert hat. Mit einem globalen Netzwerk und tiefem Fachwissen bietet Tactical Management Unternehmen in schwierigen Situationen maßgeschneiderte Lösungen und begleitet sie in eine erfolgreiche Zukunft.

Standorte: Hongkong – London – New York – Zürich


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Vertrauensvoller Partner für den Unternehmensverkauf

Zürich, Schweiz – 08 Oktober 2024 Planen Sie, Ihr Unternehmen zu verkaufen? Tactical Management ist der ideale Käufer. Mit einem erfahrenen Team von Experten und einem maßgeschneiderten Ansatz zur Unternehmensverkauf und -übernahme, bietet Tactical Management Unternehmern, die vor wirtschaftlichen oder strukturellen Herausforderungen stehen, zukunftsorientierte Lösungen und eine gesicherte Perspektive.

„Wir wissen, dass der Verkauf eines Unternehmens eine der schwierigsten Entscheidungen im Leben eines Unternehmers sein kann – oft begleitet von Unsicherheiten und emotionalen Herausforderungen. Unser Ziel ist es, diesen Prozess für Sie so reibungslos wie möglich zu gestalten und sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Unternehmen stabil und erfolgreich in die Zukunft geführt wird“, erklärt Dr. Raphael Nagel, Founding Partner von Tactical Management.

Unsere Investitionskriterien:

Tactical Management unterstützt Unternehmen, die mit finanziellen Schwierigkeiten kämpfen. Mit individuell zugeschnittenen Strategien führen wir Unternehmen aus der Verlustzone zurück zur Profitabilität und verhindern so die Notwendigkeit einer Schließung.

Wenn ein Teil Ihres Unternehmens nicht mehr zur strategischen Ausrichtung passt, ist Tactical Management der perfekte Partner für den Carve-out-Prozess. Wir schaffen klare Strukturen und sichern eine reibungslose Übergabe des ausgegliederten Bereichs, ohne das Kerngeschäft zu gefährden.

Ihr Unternehmen ist Ihr Lebenswerk, und es verdient, in vertrauensvolle Hände übergeben zu werden. Tactical Management entwickelt maßgeschneiderte Nachfolgepläne, die sowohl den Fortbestand des Unternehmens als auch Ihre Vision respektieren – ob Sie sich vollständig zurückziehen oder weiterhin beratend tätig bleiben möchten.

Gesundheitliche Veränderungen können oft zu schnellen und schwierigen Entscheidungen führen. Tactical Management bietet flexible und nachhaltige Lösungen, um die Stabilität Ihres Unternehmens zu sichern, während Sie sich auf Ihre Genesung konzentrieren.

Nach dem Verlust eines Geschäftsführers unterstützen wir Erben dabei, das Unternehmen im Sinne des Gründers fortzuführen. Tactical Management sorgt für Stabilität und plant den langfristigen Erfolg, während die Werte und der Geist des Gründers bewahrt bleiben.

Warum Tactical Management?
Tactical Management ist mehr als nur ein Käufer. Mit unserer umfassenden Expertise in der Unternehmensrestrukturierung bieten wir maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die finanzielle Stabilität und langfristigen Erfolg sichern. Wir sind der vertrauensvolle Partner für Unternehmer, die sicherstellen wollen, dass ihr Unternehmen in die richtigen Hände übergeht und eine gesicherte Zukunft hat.

Dr. Raphael Nagel
Founding Partner
Tactical Management
Zürich, Schweiz
Tel: +41 43 508 74 35

Für weitere Informationen oder Medienanfragen kontaktieren Sie bitte Tactical Management unter der angegebenen Telefonnummer oder per E-Mail. Wir freuen uns darauf, den nächsten Schritt in die erfolgreiche Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens gemeinsam zu gestalten.

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Next Chapter of Tactical Management

Kowloon, Hong Kong – October 3, 2024 Following the relocation of our headquarters to Hong Kong, we are thrilled to announce the next chapter of our global growth. Tactical Management will soon be opening new offices in Germany and the United States, further strengthening our presence in both Europe and North America.

At Tactical Management, we specialize in turning obstacles into opportunities. With a focus on underperforming companies, distressed real estate, and non-performing loans, we have built a reputation as leaders in business transformation. Over the years, we have led operations in 11 countries, diversifying our portfolio across multiple sectors and always with a vision for the future.

Each new office represents more than just geographic expansion—it’s an opportunity to continue creating impact, building trust-based partnerships, and driving sustainable growth. Together with our esteemed Partners, Dr. Tillmann Lauk, Marcus Köhnlein, and our founding Partner, Dr. Raphael Nagel, we remain dedicated to supporting businesses at every stage of their journey, from acquisition to optimization and ultimate success.

This is just the beginning. Our journey continues, and the future looks bright!

For more information, please contact:

Tactical Management Ltd.
Dr. Raphael Nagel (LL.M.)

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Connecting Leaders Achieving Economic

Dubai, UAE – October 2, 2024 The Middle East, a region of immense geopolitical significance, is experiencing a rapid transformation in its energy landscape. With vast reserves of both traditional fossil fuels and untapped potential for renewable energy, the region is positioned to lead the global transition towards cleaner, more sustainable energy sources. Governments across the Middle East have launched ambitious initiatives to diversify their energy portfolios, investing heavily in solar and wind projects, while also embracing innovative technologies like green hydrogen production

Founded in 2020, The Abrahamic Business Circle (ABC) has emerged as a leading force in economic diplomacy, connecting leaders of a diverse network of entrepreneurs, investors, corporations, and diplomats from 56 countries. Committed to sustainable development and fostering unity through economic collaboration, The Abrahamic Business Circle has become a driving force for economic advancement on global levels.

At the helm of this organization is Dr. Raphael Nagel, the founder and chairman. Dr. Nagel’s unwavering dedication to building bridges of prosperity and peace has transformed The Abrahamic Business Circle into a trusted platform for fostering economic opportunities and fostering growth, particularly within the Middle East, Europe, and Asia countries. Under his leadership, the Abrahamic Business Circle has become a beacon of economic diplomacy, uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds and promoting mutual understanding.

The Abrahamic Business Circle identified the Middle East’s energy transition as a prime area for discussion and collaboration. The organization brought together high-profile leaders from the region, exploring investment opportunities that align with the Middle East’s renewable energy ambitions. By facilitating these meetings, The Abrahamic Business Circle continues to champion the growth of international partnerships that drive innovation and prosperity.

The Middle East is making bold strides in renewable energy, with countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia leading the way with massive solar farms and wind projects. The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in Dubai, for instance, is one of the world’s largest solar parks, symbolizing the region’s commitment to a sustainable energy future.

The Abrahamic Business Circle continues to hold periodical roundtables with the aim of fostering economic diplomacy, where cross-border transactions may happen. “What better way to improve the economy than to gather collective thoughts of high-profile individuals with the same mindset? I believe The Abrahamic Business Circle successfully acts as a bridge for people around the world,” said Dr. Nagel.

Despite the significant progress, challenges remain in the Middle East’s energy transition. Grid infrastructure, energy storage, and the development of regulatory frameworks are areas requiring further attention. These challenges, however, represent opportunities for innovation and investment. The Abrahamic Business Circle brought together key stakeholders to address these issues, offering valuable insights that could accelerate the region’s path towards a renewable energy future. “There is no problem without a solution; it’s just a matter of finding the right approach within an acceptable time frame,” said Dr. Nagel.

About The Abrahamic Business Circle
The Abrahamic Business Circle is a prestigious global network dedicated to advancing economic diplomacy through business and strategic investments. Its members include entrepreneurs, investors, corporates, and diplomats spanning 56 countries, showcasing how entrepreneurial spirit and global investments can drive sustainable development worldwide. Established prior to the Abraham Accords in September 2020, the Circle is committed to fostering unity and dialogue through economic collaboration. The Abrahamic Business Circle is strictly apolitical and areligious, focusing exclusively on tolerance and business.

The Abrahamic Business Circle

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Transformative Trends für eine dynamische Zukunft

Dubai, VAE – October 2, 2024 –Der Immobilienmarkt in Dubai ist für seine ständige Weiterentwicklung bekannt und die neuesten Entwicklungen und transformative Trends prägen diesen dynamischen Sektor wie nie zuvor. Während die Stadt weiterhin innovativ und wachstumsorientiert bleibt, treiben mehrere wichtige Trends ihren Fortschritt voran.

Dubai steht an der Spitze einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung und verfolgt einen systematischen Ansatz, der wirkungsvolle, langfristige und kosteneffektive Lösungen bietet. Diese Methode stellt sicher, dass das Wachstum der Stadt nicht nur schnell, sondern auch umweltverantwortlich ist, und setzt damit einen Maßstab für andere globale Städte.

Der kontinuierliche Fluss von Megaprojekten in Dubai unterstreicht die Abhängigkeit des Marktes von ausländischen Investitionen. Dieser Kapitalzufluss ist entscheidend, um der wachsenden Nachfrage gerecht zu werden und die ehrgeizigen Ziele der Regierung zur Erhöhung der Auslandsdirektinvestitionen (FDI) zu unterstützen. Dubais finanzielle Bereitschaft und strategische Initiativen machen es zu einem attraktiven Ziel für Investoren weltweit.

Der Immobilienmarkt in Dubai ist bereit für einen großen Fortschritt, dank des Anstiegs ausländischer Investoren, erstklassiger Immobilienprojekte und nachhaltiger Infrastruktur. Mit diesen Kräften, die Innovation und Effizienz vorantreiben, entwickelt sich Dubai zu einem dynamischen Epizentrum für Immobilienmöglichkeiten, das perfekt mit der Vision von Worldfield übereinstimmt, transformative Investitionen und Entwicklungen zu initiieren.

Worldfield, ein wichtiger Akteur in diesem dynamischen Markt, legt großen Wert auf Qualität, Wissen und Service. Sie garantieren ihren Kunden und Investoren eine persönliche Unterstützung bei ihren Immobilienvorhaben. Worldfield bietet ein exklusives Portfolio sorgfältig ausgewählter Projekte, die von ihrem professionellen Team basierend auf den Bedürfnissen der Kunden, datenbasierten Erkenntnissen und Marktanalysen kuratiert werden. Ihr Angebot umfasst Wohn-, Industrie- und Gewerbeimmobilien und sorgt für einen umfassenden Ansatz bei Immobilieninvestitionen.

Finden Sie Worldfield auf LinkedIn und besuchen Sie ihre Website unter
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Strong Corporate Brand on Social Media

Dubai, UAE – October 1, 2024 – In a recent interview, Marcus Köhnlein, CEO of Quarero Marketing, shared his thoughts on the essentials of strong building a corporate brand on social media. Known for his practical strategies in digital marketing, Köhnlein provides useful insights into how companies can effectively use social media platforms to enhance their brand presence.

During the interview, Köhnlein emphasized the importance of understanding the unique dynamics of each social media platform. “Each platform has its own set of rules and audience behavior. It’s crucial for brands to tailor their content and engagement strategies accordingly,” he explained. He also highlighted the significance of consistency in branding, noting that a cohesive brand image across all platforms helps in building trust and recognition among the audience.

Köhnlein shared that one of the key elements in building a strong corporate brand is storytelling. “People connect with stories, not just products or services. By sharing the journey, values, and mission of the company, brands can create a deeper connection with their audience,” he said. He also pointed out the role of visual content in capturing the audience’s attention and conveying the brand message effectively

In addition to content strategy, Köhnlein discussed the importance of data-driven decision-making. “Analyzing engagement metrics and audience feedback allows brands to refine their strategies and improve their performance over time,” he stated. He also mentioned the growing trend of influencer collaborations, which can significantly boost brand visibility and credibility when done right.

Köhnlein’s insights come at a time when social media continues to evolve, presenting both opportunities and challenges for brands. His experience in the field makes him a valuable resource for companies looking to navigate the digital landscape successfully.

For more information, please contact.

Quarero Marketing Accelerator Dubai
Marcus Köhnlein

About Quarero Marketing:

Quarero Marketing distinguishes itself through a commitment to excellence and innovation. While others focus on basic strategies, Quarero combines creativity, analytics, and technology to craft campaigns that foster long-term relationships between businesses and their audiences. Quarero believes that marketing is more than just selling and consistently delivers transformative results that exceed expectations, redefining social media engagement in the digital age.

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Key Strategies for Investing in Distressed Assets

Kowloon, Hong Kong—September 30, 2024—Tactical Management is pleased to announce an exclusive interview with Dr. Raphael Nagel, a distinguished entrepreneur and the visionary behind Tactical Management. Dr. Nagel, celebrated for his acumen in revitalizing underperforming companies and distressed real estate, shared his key strategies for investing in distressed assets.

In the interview, Dr. Nagel underscored the critical role of comprehensive due diligence and strategic intervention. “Investing in distressed assets necessitates a profound understanding of the underlying challenges and a well-defined plan for restructuring and growth,” he remarked. He elaborated that Tactical Management’s success stems from its ability to identify latent potential in underperforming companies and real estate, coupled with the implementation of customized operational support to stabilize and enhance profitability.

Dr. Nagel also highlighted the importance of hands-on operational involvement in the optimization process. “Our methodology involves active collaboration with portfolio companies, working closely with their teams to foster cultural change and operational improvements,” he explained. This hands-on approach, combined with a global network and restructuring expertise, enables Tactical Management to unlock hidden value and generate substantial returns for its stakeholders.

Additionally, Dr. Nagel addressed the current market dynamics and the opportunities they present for investing in distressed assets. “The economic landscape is in a constant state of flux, presenting numerous opportunities for strategic investments in distressed assets,” he noted. He emphasized that Tactical Management’s ability to adapt to market shifts and leverage synergies across its portfolio is essential for sustained success.

In conclusion, Dr. Nagel’s insights offer a valuable guide for investors navigating the complex terrain of distressed assets. His strategic vision and hands-on approach continue to drive Tactical Management’s growth and success, making it a trusted partner for investors seeking to capitalize on distressed opportunities.

For more information, please contact:

Contact information:

Tactical Management Ltd.

Dr. Raphael Nagel (LL.M.)


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Global Investment Trends in Market

Dubai, UAE—September 30, 2024—The Abrahamic Business Circle, a distinguished global network dedicated to advancing economic diplomacy through strategic investments, has released an in-depth analysis of global investment trends in emerging markets. This report provides a detailed examination of the opportunities and challenges that investors face in these dynamic regions.

Dr. Raphael Nagel, the esteemed founder and chairman of The Abrahamic Business Circle, underscored the necessity of understanding the unique economic landscapes of emerging markets. “Investing in these regions demands a comprehensive understanding of local contexts and a strategic approach to navigate the complexities,” Dr. Nagel remarked. “Our network is committed to fostering economic growth and sustainable development through well-informed investment decisions.”

The report highlights several key trends shaping the investment landscape in emerging markets, including the increasing role of technology and innovation, the growing significance of sustainable and impact investing, and the rising influence of geopolitical factors. The Abrahamic Business Circle’s analysis emphasizes the potential for substantial returns in sectors such as renewable energy, digital infrastructure, and healthcare.

Dr. Nagel also elaborated on the role of The Abrahamic Business Circle in facilitating cross-border investments and promoting collaboration among its members. “Our network connects entrepreneurs, investors, and policymakers from around the globe, providing a platform for sharing insights and forming strategic partnerships,” he explained. “By leveraging our collective expertise, we can drive positive change and uncover new opportunities in emerging markets.”

The Abrahamic Business Circle’s dedication to economic diplomacy and strategic investments is reflected in its diverse membership, which spans over 56 countries. The organization’s initiatives aim to promote mutual respect, collaboration, and shared prosperity, aligning with its core values of integrity and excellence.

As emerging markets continue to evolve, The Abrahamic Business Circle remains at the forefront of identifying and capitalizing on investment opportunities. Dr. Nagel’s leadership and the network’s collective efforts are poised to significantly influence the global investment landscape.

For more information about The Abrahamic Business Circle and our initiatives, please visit


The Abrahamic Business Circle

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Strategic IT Outsourcing

Ontario, Canada, October 1, 2024 – Taskforce Solutions, is pleased to announce a significant milestone in enhancing business operations through strategic IT outsourcing. The company has successfully optimized operations for a diverse range of clients, demonstrating the tangible benefits of outsourcing in today’s competitive business landscape.

Taskforce Solutions has consistently delivered dependable results by leveraging its expertise in IT outsourcing to tackle operational challenges faced by businesses across various sectors. By collaborating with Taskforce Solutions, companies have been able to streamline resource management, boost productivity, and achieve cost efficiencies.

One notable success story involves a global automotive manufacturer that sought to enhance its operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Taskforce Solutions implemented a comprehensive IT outsourcing strategy, enabling the manufacturer to access specialized QA and engineering expertise. This partnership resulted in solutions that met customer demands, leading to increased user engagement and improved customer satisfaction.

Effective IT Outsourcing Customization

Another achievement includes the collaboration with a financial services firm aiming to reduce operational complexities and focus on strategic growth initiatives. Taskforce Solutions provided customized IT outsourcing services that streamlined the firm’s processes, allowing it to allocate resources more effectively and achieve its strategic objectives.

Taskforce Solutions’ commitment to quality and innovation has established it as a trusted partner for businesses navigating modern operational challenges. By outsourcing non-core functions to Taskforce Solutions, organizations can concentrate on their core competencies and drive sustainable growth.

“We are pleased to see the positive impact of our IT outsourcing services on our clients’ operations,” said the CEO of Taskforce Solutions. “Our goal is to help businesses achieve greater efficiency and profitability through strategic outsourcing, and these success stories reflect our dedication and expertise.”

As Taskforce Solutions continues to expand its portfolio of success stories, the company remains committed to delivering solutions that drive business success. With a focus on innovation, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, Taskforce Solutions is poised to lead in the IT outsourcing industry.

For more information, please contact.

Taskforce Solutions Ltd

2000 Thurston Drive
Bureau 5, Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1G 4K7

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