Desalination technologies are getting better and cheaper

By Paolo von Schirach

President, Global Policy Institute; Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Bay Atlantic University, both in Washington, DC

There is a major freshwater crisis affecting many regions of our planet. However, desalination may provide a viable solution. Significant technological progress is making desalination plants—those that turn salty seawater into drinkable fresh water—much more affordable. This is a blessing for an overcrowded world in need of increasing amounts of fresh water—for humans, farm animals, agriculture, and industry.

For those of us living in temperate climate regions of the world, blessed with fairly regular rainfall and plenty of rivers and lakes, the availability of safe, affordable, drinkable fresh water is not an issue. We take it for granted.

But in many regions of our planet—some of them very poor—fresh water is very scarce and therefore very expensive. This is a huge constraint on economic development, as water is essential for almost everything.

In other parts of the world, due to changed weather patterns partly caused by global warming, water is no longer available in volumes that can support agriculture, industrial use, and human settlements. Consequently, people will have to migrate elsewhere. Should these migrations from regions that have become deserts become mass phenomena, they may trigger violent conflicts as more and more people fight for the same essential, yet very limited resource.

While this predicament is serious and, in some places, becoming truly dramatic, technology is coming to the rescue. Desalination technology has been around for quite some time. Built on coastlines, desalination plants pump in seawater—an inexhaustible water supply—and, through various technological modalities, remove the salt from seawater, turning it into fresh water that is perfectly safe for human consumption and other uses.

The problem with desalination used to be that it was prohibitively expensive, even in developed, wealthy countries, and completely out of reach for poorer countries in Africa, Asia, or the Middle East that need it the most.

That said, technologies have improved, and the high cost of operating desalination plants—desalination is an energy-intensive process—is decreasing, thanks to renewable energy. For example, Israel, which once faced a huge water scarcity problem due to very limited freshwater resources, is now completely self-sufficient in freshwater due to many state-of-the-art desalination plants. The Israelis have enhanced the technology, increasing the productivity of desalination plants while reducing the energy needed to operate them. Saudi Arabia and other water-poor but energy-rich Gulf countries do not face affordability issues with desalination.

But there is hope for the rest of the world as well. Overall, the cost of desalination plants has decreased by about 45 percent in recent years. Further cost reductions are expected because renewable energy, now much more efficient and affordable, can be used to operate the plants.

Moreover, new technological advances will address the problem of disposing of the salt brine collected by desalination plants. Disposing of brine into the sea can cause significant environmental problems due to its high salt concentration, which drastically affects coastal ecosystems. However, scientists have developed methods to extract salt from the brine, along with other valuable minerals that have important industrial uses. This means brine can be recycled, resolving the disposal issue.

It should also be noted that while large desalination plants are required to supply cities, small coastal communities or even individual households can now acquire scaled-down desalination plants to meet their freshwater needs.

That said, while desalination is becoming an affordable solution to the global water crisis, initial capital costs need to be financed, operating costs (even if reduced) need to be considered, and additional costs are incurred to pipe the fresh water to population centers located away from the coastal areas where the desalination plants will be situated. Nonetheless, even considering these challenges, it is no longer a certainty that certain regions of the planet will have to be abandoned due to a lack of drinkable water, potentially becoming uninhabitable deserts.

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China beats America in STEM education

By Paolo von Schirach

President, Global Policy Institute; Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Bay Atlantic University, both in Washington, DC

Here is the hard truth. China is massively ahead of the U.S. in the number of schools, research centers, scientists, and university graduates involved in the STEM disciplines. STEM includes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This did not happen overnight. This significant advantage for China is the tangible outcome of an investment policy ordered years ago by President Xi Jinping.

As a result of this deliberate prioritization, a majority of Chinese students these days choose STEM university degrees, often supported by state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities. In contrast, in America, only a small percentage of students prefer STEM disciplines. By the same token, the U.S. public education system lags behind its peers in other developed countries when it comes to quality science secondary education.

Undoubtedly, the U.S. still has some, if not most, of the highly prestigious “super universities” that are often world leaders in cutting-edge science research. But the number of U.S. graduates is small, while most of the foreign students who earn science doctorates in the U.S. cannot be employed in America due to absurd and counterproductive immigration law restrictions.

In recent years, Washington launched ambitious plans (first and foremost, the CHIPS and Science Act, August 2022) to massively increase investments in R&D and production of microchips and other sophisticated high-tech components that will power future industries.

Washington also encouraged partnerships between U.S. entities and Taiwanese leading producers of sophisticated tech components (for instance, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., TSMC) so that they would establish new production facilities on U.S. soil. All this is good. But where are the American engineers needed to run these new facilities? Not enough of them, say the Taiwanese. It is obvious that a massive national effort needs to be undertaken to bridge this talent gap.

There is a precedent for such an effort. In the middle of the Cold War, when the USSR was the recognized existential threat, the U.S. faced a similar predicament. It happened on October 4, 1957. The Soviets announced that they had launched Sputnik, a satellite, into space.

This was shocking for American leaders. Sputnik successfully orbited the Earth for several months. The military implications of Moscow’s ability to launch objects into space were obvious. If you can launch a satellite, soon enough you will be able to launch a nuclear warhead. The Soviets were ahead. America was stunned.

However, the cold shower did not induce panic. It prompted instead a forceful all-hands-on-deck reaction. Soon thereafter, America launched Explorer, its own satellite. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA, was established in 1958. Under NASA’s auspices and led by Wernher von Braun, once the father of Nazi Germany’s rockets, the massive U.S. space program was launched. And – most significantly – in 1958, Congress passed, and President Dwight Eisenhower signed, what was appropriately named the National Defense Education Act, NDEA. This legislation was aimed at beefing up the science curricula at all levels of the U.S. education system via huge government grants and loans.

By linking education to national defense, Washington managed to impose its new education efforts, standards, and federal funding on all localities, something that ordinarily would be impossible in the United States, since public education is jealously managed by local authorities.

In order to regain its global leadership position, America needed to massively increase the quality of its science programs and the number of highly qualified scientists that could be engaged in civilian and military technologies and space programs. According to a U.S. Senate historic account, “The results were conspicuous: in 1960 there were 3.6 million students in college, and by 1970 there were 7.5 million. Many of them got their college education only because of the availability of NDEA loans, thanks to Sputnik and to Senator Hill’s readiness to seize the moment.” [Senator Hill was the sponsor of the legislation].

The current situation is different. Sputnik was a sudden event that shocked Washington. Chinese investments in STEM, while massive, occurred gradually, over a period of time. This allowed complacency in America. However, now we see the results of Beijing’s focus on STEM.

China leads the world in critical renewable energy technologies, including solar panels and batteries. Chinese auto manufacturers are rolling out inexpensive electric vehicles. Chinese military technologies are becoming competitive, while China can rely on a gigantic manufacturing base to scale up production. We do not have a “Sputnik Moment,” but America should think and behave as if we did.

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Transformando las Operaciones de TI con la Experiencia del Sudeste Asiático: Taskforce Solutions Marca el Camino

3 de septiembre de 2024 – Taskforce Solutions, originaria de Ontario, Canadá, está revolucionando las operaciones de TI a nivel global con sus soluciones innovadoras y una experiencia sin igual basada en el Sudeste Asiático. A medida que las empresas de todo el mundo enfrentan las complejidades de la transformación digital, Taskforce Solutions se está consolidando como un faro de excelencia, aprovechando el rico talento de la región y las tecnologías de vanguardia para impulsar la eficiencia y la innovación.

En una era en la que las operaciones de TI sin interrupciones son cruciales para el éxito empresarial, Taskforce Solutions destaca al ofrecer soluciones a medida, adaptadas a las necesidades únicas de cada cliente. El enfoque de la empresa se caracteriza por una profunda comprensión de la dinámica del mercado local y un compromiso con la prestación de servicios de clase mundial. Esta combinación de conocimiento local y estándares globales es lo que diferencia a Taskforce Solutions en el competitivo panorama de TI.

“En Taskforce Solutions, creemos que el futuro de las operaciones de TI radica en aprovechar el poder de la experiencia del Sudeste Asiático”, comentó un representante de la empresa. “Nuestro equipo de profesionales altamente capacitados está dedicado a proporcionar soluciones innovadoras que no solo cumplen, sino que superan las expectativas de nuestros clientes. Estamos orgullosos de estar a la vanguardia de esta transformación, impulsando el crecimiento y la eficiencia para empresas de todo el mundo.”

Uno de los factores clave detrás del éxito de Taskforce Solutions es su enfoque estratégico en tecnologías emergentes como la inteligencia artificial, el aprendizaje automático y la computación en la nube. Al integrar estas tecnologías en sus ofertas de servicios, la empresa puede proporcionar a los clientes soluciones robustas, escalables y rentables que mejoran la eficiencia operativa y fomentan el crecimiento empresarial.

El compromiso de Taskforce Solutions con la excelencia se refleja en su impresionante historial de proyectos exitosos en diversas industrias, incluyendo finanzas, salud y comercio minorista. La capacidad de la empresa para ofrecer soluciones personalizadas que aborden los desafíos específicos de cada sector le ha otorgado una reputación como socio de confianza para las empresas que buscan optimizar sus operaciones de TI.

A medida que la demanda de servicios de TI confiables y eficientes continúa creciendo, Taskforce Solutions está bien posicionada para liderar la transformación de las operaciones de TI con su combinación única de experiencia del Sudeste Asiático y soluciones innovadoras. Con un enfoque en la mejora continua y una dedicación a la satisfacción del cliente, la empresa está en una excelente posición para moldear el futuro de las operaciones de TI y promover un crecimiento sostenible para empresas en todo el mundo.

Para más información sobre Taskforce Solutions y sus servicios transformadores de TI, por favor contacte a: Taskforce Solutions Ltd

From Struggle to Success: The Remarkable Turnaround of a Manufacturing Firm

Hong Kong, September 3, 2024 – In an inspiring tale of resilience and innovation, a once-floundering manufacturing firm has risen from the ashes, thanks to the visionary leadership of Dr. Raphael Nagel, Founding Partner of Tactical Management.

Facing outdated processes and crippling financial woes, the firm was on the verge of shutting its doors. Enter Dr. Nagel and his team, who saw potential where others saw only problems. “We believed in the hidden strengths of this company,” Dr. Nagel stated. “Our mission was to unlock that potential through strategic and operational excellence.”

The transformation began with a sweeping overhaul of the company’s operations. Tactical Management invested in cutting-edge equipment and introduced lean manufacturing principles, breathing new life into the production line. The results were nothing short of spectacular: efficiency soared, costs plummeted, and the firm’s financial health rebounded.

Dr. Nagel’s strategy was meticulous and bold. After a rigorous due diligence process, Tactical Management implemented a series of restructuring measures that optimized costs and sharpened the company’s market focus. The firm quickly transitioned from survival mode to thriving, with profitability and cash flow reaching new heights within a year.

“A successful turnaround is about more than just numbers,” Dr. Nagel emphasized. “It’s about people. Our dedicated team embraced change and worked tirelessly towards a shared vision. Their commitment was the cornerstone of our success.”

Today, the firm stands as a testament to the power of strategic management and the potential for transformation in even the most challenging circumstances. This success story underscores the importance of visionary leadership and the impact of targeted interventions in driving business success.

For more information, please contact:

Tactical Management Ltd.
Dr. Raphael Nagel (LL.M.)

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Dr. Raphael Nagel Champions Global Investments through Economic Diplomacy

September 3, 2024, Dubai – In an exclusive interview, Dr. Raphael Nagel, renowned investor, philanthropist, and Chairman of The Abrahamic Business Circle, shared his visionary insights on promoting global investments through economic diplomacy. Dr. Nagel, a pivotal figure in fostering international business relations, emphasized the transformative power of economic diplomacy in today’s interconnected world.

“Global investments are the lifeblood of economic growth and stability,” Dr. Nagel stated passionately. “Through economic diplomacy, we can bridge gaps, foster mutual understanding, and create a more prosperous future for all.”

Dr. Nagel’s approach is rooted in the belief that economic diplomacy is not just about financial transactions but about building lasting relationships and trust between nations. He highlighted the success of The Abrahamic Business Circle in bringing together high-profile individuals and organizations to collaborate on projects that drive economic growth and social progress.

“By leveraging our collective expertise and resources, we can tackle global challenges and unlock new opportunities,” Dr. Nagel explained. “Economic diplomacy allows us to navigate complex geopolitical landscapes and create win-win scenarios for all parties involved.”

The interview also touched on the importance of innovation and technology in driving global investments. Dr. Nagel underscored the need for countries to embrace digital transformation and invest in cutting-edge technologies to stay competitive in the global market.

“Technology is a game-changer,” Dr. Nagel remarked. “It enables us to connect with investors worldwide, streamline processes, and enhance transparency. By embracing innovation, we can attract more investments and drive sustainable economic growth.”

Dr. Nagel’s vision for the future is one where economic diplomacy plays a central role in shaping a more inclusive and resilient global economy. He called on governments, businesses, and individuals to work together to promote investment-friendly policies and create an environment conducive to growth and development.

“Together, we can build a brighter future,” Dr. Nagel concluded. “Economic diplomacy is the key to unlocking the full potential of global investments and creating a world where prosperity knows no borders.”

For more information about The Abrahamic Business Circle and our initiatives, please visit

Contact: The Abrahamic Business Circle

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Legal Insights on Mergers & Acquisitions in the Middle East by Northgate Group

Dubai, UAE – September 3, 2024 – Northgate Group, a leading global advisory firm, has released a comprehensive report on the evolving landscape of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the Middle East. This insightful publication, spearheaded by renowned legal expert Veronica Cabrera,  delves into the intricate dynamics shaping the region’s M&A activities.

The Middle East has witnessed a significant transformation in its regulatory frameworks, driven by a surge in cross-border transactions and a heightened focus on economic diversification. Northgate Group’s latest report highlights key trends, challenges, and opportunities that are redefining the M&A landscape in this vibrant region.

Veronica Cabrera, a distinguished figure in the legal community, emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique regulatory environments across different Middle Eastern countries. “Navigating the M&A terrain in the Middle East requires a nuanced approach, given the diverse legal frameworks and cultural considerations,” Cabrera notes. Her expertise provides invaluable guidance for businesses looking to expand their footprint in this dynamic market.

The report underscores the pivotal role of regulatory bodies in fostering a conducive environment for M&A activities. Countries like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Egypt have made significant strides in updating their merger control regulations, aligning them with international standards. These reforms are not only enhancing transparency but also boosting investor confidence in the region.

Northgate Group’s analysis also sheds light on the strategic implications of recent M&A deals, highlighting successful case studies that demonstrate the potential for growth and innovation. The report is a must-read for corporate leaders, investors, and legal professionals seeking to capitalize on the burgeoning opportunities in the Middle East.

As the region continues to evolve, Northgate Group remains committed to providing cutting-edge insights and strategic advice to its clients. With experts like Veronica Cabrera at the helm, the firm is well-positioned to navigate the complexities of the Middle Eastern M&A landscape and drive sustainable growth for its clients.

For more information, please contact:

Verónica Cabrera
Managing Partner

Northgate Law Group FZ-LLC
Amenity Centre – RAKEZ
Al Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ
RAK, United Arab Emirates

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The Power of Press Releases in the Digital Age

Samoa, September 3, 2024 – In an exclusive interview, a leading expert from Presslink Media shared invaluable insights on the evolving landscape of press releases and their undeniable importance in today’s digital age. As the media landscape continues to shift, Presslink Media remains at the forefront, setting new standards for crafting and distributing press releases that captivate audiences and drive results.

“Press releases are far from obsolete,” the expert emphasized. “In fact, they are more crucial than ever. With the right strategy, a press release can cut through the digital noise and deliver your message directly to your target audience.”

During the interview, the expert highlighted the key elements that make a press release effective in the digital era. They stressed the importance of compelling storytelling, precise targeting, and the integration of multimedia elements to enhance engagement. “A well-crafted press release is not just about informing; it’s about engaging and inspiring action,” they noted.

Presslink Media’s innovative approach combines advanced analytics with creative content creation. By leveraging real-time data, they tailor press releases to align with audience preferences, ensuring maximum impact. “Understanding your audience is paramount,” the expert explained. “Our data-driven strategies allow us to create press releases that resonate deeply with readers.”

The interview also touched on the challenges of the modern media environment, such as information overload and audience segmentation. The expert shared how Presslink Media navigates these hurdles by continuously optimizing their methods and embracing new digital platforms. “Adaptability is key,” they said. “We must evolve with the times to stay relevant and effective.”

As the digital age progresses, Presslink Media remains committed to helping businesses and organizations harness the full potential of press releases. Their dedication to excellence and innovation sets them apart as leaders in the industry.

For more information, please contact:

Presslink Media

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Presslink Media invites businesses, organizations, and individuals to join our growing network and experience the benefits of press release distribution. For more information about our services and to get started with your press release distribution,

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Career Advancements Through Online Degrees: A Success Story from Paris Metropolitan University

Paris, France – September 3, 2024 – In an era where continuous learning is paramount for career growth, Paris Metropolitan University (PMU) stands at the forefront of online education, empowering professionals worldwide to achieve their career aspirations. Today, we celebrate the remarkable success stories of individuals who have transformed their careers through PMU’s innovative online degree programs.

One such inspiring story is that of Maria Santos, a dedicated professional from São Paulo, Brazil. Maria, who worked as a mid-level manager in a logistics company, aspired to climb the corporate ladder but faced significant barriers due to her limited access to advanced education. Her journey took a transformative turn when she enrolled in PMU’s online Master of Business Administration (MBA) program.

Guided by the esteemed Prof. Dr. Gabriel Martín Rodríguez, Maria found herself immersed in a curriculum that was not only academically rigorous but also highly relevant to the evolving demands of the global job market. Prof. Dr. Rodríguez, renowned for his expertise in business strategy and leadership, played a pivotal role in Maria’s educational journey. His mentorship and insights provided Maria with the tools and confidence she needed to excel.

“Prof. Dr. Rodríguez’s guidance was instrumental in my success,” Maria shares. “His real-world experience and academic prowess made the learning experience incredibly enriching. The flexibility of the online program allowed me to balance my studies with my professional responsibilities, making it possible for me to apply what I learned in real-time.”

Maria’s hard work and dedication paid off. Upon completing her MBA, she was promoted to a senior management position within her company, overseeing international operations. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of online education and the opportunities it can unlock.

Paris Metropolitan University continues to lead the way in online education, offering a diverse range of programs designed to meet the needs of today’s learners. With cutting-edge technology, flexible learning options, and a commitment to academic excellence, PMU is dedicated to helping individuals like Maria achieve their career goals.

Begin your admission process today and take the first step towards unlocking your potential with Paris Metropolitan University.

Authorized by the Académie de Paris: Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of National Education of France according to Code de l’Éducation Articles L 444-1 à 444-11 et R 444-1 à 444-28

Paris Metropolitan University
250 bis Boulevard Saint-Germain
75007 Paris, France

About Paris Metropolitan University
Paris Metropolitan University is a leading institution of higher education located in the heart of Paris, France. Known for its academic excellence, research achievements, and commitment to societal impact, Paris Metropolitan University offers a diverse range of programs across disciplines. The university’s vibrant campus community, state-of-the-art facilities, and global partnerships enrich the educational experience for students from around the world.

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Quarero Marketing Propels Client to New Heights in Online Presence

Dubai, September 3, 2024 – Quarero Marketing, a trailblazer in digital marketing solutions, is thrilled to announce a remarkable success story that underscores its commitment to driving client success. Under the visionary leadership of Marcus Köhnlein, Quarero Marketing has once again demonstrated its prowess in transforming online presence and achieving exceptional results for its clients.

In a digital landscape where visibility is paramount, Quarero Marketing’s innovative strategies have propelled its client, a leading e-commerce platform, to unprecedented heights. The client, who previously struggled with online engagement and brand visibility, has experienced a dramatic turnaround thanks to Quarero Marketing’s tailored approach.

Marcus Köhnlein, CEO of Quarero Marketing, spearheaded the initiative with a focus on data-driven insights and creative content strategies. “Our goal was to not only increase our client’s online presence but to create a lasting impact that resonates with their target audience,” said Köhnlein. “We leveraged advanced analytics and compelling storytelling to craft a digital narrative that truly stands out.”

The results speak for themselves. Within just six months, the client saw a 150% increase in website traffic, a 200% boost in social media engagement, and a significant rise in conversion rates. This success story is a testament to Quarero Marketing’s expertise in harnessing the power of digital platforms to drive business growth.

Quarero Marketing’s holistic approach included a comprehensive audit of the client’s existing digital footprint, followed by the implementation of a robust SEO strategy, engaging social media campaigns, and visually captivating content. By aligning these elements with the client’s brand identity, Quarero Marketing ensured a cohesive and impactful online presence.

“We are immensely proud of the results we’ve achieved for our client,” added Köhnlein. “This success story is a reflection of our team’s dedication and our unwavering commitment to excellence. We look forward to continuing to help businesses thrive in the digital age.”

For more information, please contact:

Quarero Marketing
Accelerator Dubai
Marcus Köhnlein

About Quarero Marketing:

Quarero Marketing distinguishes itself through a commitment to excellence and innovation. While others focus on basic strategies, Quarero combines creativity, analytics, and technology to craft campaigns that foster long-term relationships between businesses and their audiences. Quarero believes that marketing is more than just selling and consistently delivers transformative results that exceed expectations, redefining social media engagement in the digital age.

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Automation in the Surveillance Industry: A CEO’s Perspective

Switzerland, September 3, 2024 – In an exclusive interview, Marcus Köhnlein, CEO of Quarero Robotics, delves into the transformative impact of automation on the surveillance industry. As a visionary leader at the forefront of technological innovation, Köhnlein shares his insights on how automation is reshaping security protocols and enhancing operational efficiency.

“Automation is not just a trend; it’s a revolution,” asserts Köhnlein. “At Quarero Robotics, we are pioneering advancements that integrate AI and machine learning to create smarter, more responsive surveillance systems. These technologies are not only improving accuracy but also significantly reducing the response time to potential threats.”

Köhnlein highlights the critical role of AI-driven analytics in modern surveillance. “Our systems can analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, identifying patterns and anomalies that would be impossible for human operators to detect. This capability is crucial in preempting security breaches and ensuring a proactive approach to safety.”

The CEO also emphasizes the importance of collaboration between technology providers and security agencies. “Partnerships are essential. By working closely with law enforcement and private security firms, we can tailor our solutions to meet specific needs and challenges. This collaborative approach ensures that our technology is not only cutting-edge but also practical and effective in real-world scenarios.”

Looking ahead, Köhnlein envisions a future where automated surveillance systems are ubiquitous. “The potential applications are limitless. From urban security to critical infrastructure protection, automation will be the cornerstone of a safer, more secure world. At Quarero Robotics, we are committed to leading this charge and setting new standards in the industry.”

As the interview concludes, Köhnlein’s passion for innovation and his commitment to excellence are evident. “We are just scratching the surface of what is possible. The future of surveillance is here, and it’s automated.”

For more information, please contact:

Quarero AG, Switzerland
Marcus Köhnlein

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