Gestión Exitosa de Activos Inmobiliarios en Dificultad

Kowloon, Hong Kong – 3 de octubre de 2024 Los activos inmobiliarios en dificultad, caracterizados por problemas financieros, deterioro físico o gravámenes legales, presentan desafíos y oportunidades únicas para los inversores. La gestión efectiva de estos activos requiere una combinación de pensamiento estratégico, capacidad financiera y experiencia operativa.

Tactical Management, liderada por el Dr. Raphael Nagel, lleva a cabo una rigurosa debida diligencia como piedra angular de la gestión exitosa de bienes raíces en dificultad. Un análisis exhaustivo de la salud financiera de la propiedad, su condición física y su estado legal debe ser realizado de manera minuciosa. Esto implica evaluar las obligaciones de deuda, las fuentes de ingresos, los gastos operativos, identificar las reparaciones o renovaciones necesarias y cualquier asunto legal pendiente.

Una vez establecida una comprensión integral de la propiedad, es fundamental implementar de inmediato una reposicionamiento estratégico. Esto implica identificar el uso más óptimo de la propiedad basado en las tendencias actuales del mercado y la demanda, implementando estrategias para aumentar su valor y desarrollando planes de contingencia para abordar posibles desafíos y riesgos. Las estrategias para aumentar el valor pueden incluir renovaciones, modificaciones de arrendamientos o proyectos de desarrollo.

Tactical Management resolvió uno de los activos en dificultad de su empresa del portafolio mediante la reducción de costos operativos, gestión de deudas, atracción de inquilinos de calidad, prestación de excelentes servicios a los inquilinos, atención oportuna a los problemas de mantenimiento y cumplimiento de los términos del arrendamiento, lo que resulta esencial para maximizar las tasas de ocupación y los ingresos por alquiler. Aunque parezca mucho, Tactical Management siempre presta atención incluso al más mínimo detalle y a la mitigación de riesgos.

La estrategia de salida es otra consideración crítica en la gestión de activos inmobiliarios en dificultad. Es crucial determinar el momento óptimo para vender la propiedad basado en las condiciones del mercado y los objetivos de inversión. Una valoración precisa es esencial para maximizar los retornos, y estrategias de marketing efectivas pueden ayudar a atraer compradores potenciales. “No es prudente mantener un activo que no te aporta nada”, dijo el Dr. Nagel.

El pensamiento estratégico, la capacidad financiera y la experiencia operativa

La gestión exitosa de activos inmobiliarios en dificultad requiere un delicado equilibrio entre el pensamiento estratégico, la capacidad financiera y la experiencia operativa. El equipo de Tactical Management está compuesto por expertos en su campo, capaces de generar estrategias rápidas y precisas.

Si bien el inmobiliario en dificultad puede ser una inversión gratificante, es esencial abordarlo con cautela y un profundo entendimiento de los riesgos involucrados. Al considerar cuidadosamente estos factores y aprovechar el conocimiento experto, Tactical Management puede gestionar con éxito activos inmobiliarios en dificultad y lograr sus objetivos de inversión.

Acerca de Tactical Management

Tactical Management es un inversor de reestructuración activo a nivel global, especializado en desbloquear el potencial de empresas con bajo rendimiento, bienes raíces en dificultad y préstamos no rentables. El enfoque de la firma abarca una variedad de sectores y tipos de activos, con un énfasis principal en impulsar valor y crecimiento a través del apoyo estratégico y operativo.

Para más información, por favor contacte a:

Tactical Management Ltd.
Dr. Raphael Nagel (LL.M.)

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Next Chapter of Tactical Management

Kowloon, Hong Kong – October 3, 2024 Following the relocation of our headquarters to Hong Kong, we are thrilled to announce the next chapter of our global growth. Tactical Management will soon be opening new offices in Germany and the United States, further strengthening our presence in both Europe and North America.

At Tactical Management, we specialize in turning obstacles into opportunities. With a focus on underperforming companies, distressed real estate, and non-performing loans, we have built a reputation as leaders in business transformation. Over the years, we have led operations in 11 countries, diversifying our portfolio across multiple sectors and always with a vision for the future.

Each new office represents more than just geographic expansion—it’s an opportunity to continue creating impact, building trust-based partnerships, and driving sustainable growth. Together with our esteemed Partners, Dr. Tillmann Lauk, Marcus Köhnlein, and our founding Partner, Dr. Raphael Nagel, we remain dedicated to supporting businesses at every stage of their journey, from acquisition to optimization and ultimate success.

This is just the beginning. Our journey continues, and the future looks bright!

For more information, please contact:

Tactical Management Ltd.
Dr. Raphael Nagel (LL.M.)

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Connecting Leaders Achieving Economic

Dubai, UAE – October 2, 2024 The Middle East, a region of immense geopolitical significance, is experiencing a rapid transformation in its energy landscape. With vast reserves of both traditional fossil fuels and untapped potential for renewable energy, the region is positioned to lead the global transition towards cleaner, more sustainable energy sources. Governments across the Middle East have launched ambitious initiatives to diversify their energy portfolios, investing heavily in solar and wind projects, while also embracing innovative technologies like green hydrogen production

Founded in 2020, The Abrahamic Business Circle (ABC) has emerged as a leading force in economic diplomacy, connecting leaders of a diverse network of entrepreneurs, investors, corporations, and diplomats from 56 countries. Committed to sustainable development and fostering unity through economic collaboration, The Abrahamic Business Circle has become a driving force for economic advancement on global levels.

At the helm of this organization is Dr. Raphael Nagel, the founder and chairman. Dr. Nagel’s unwavering dedication to building bridges of prosperity and peace has transformed The Abrahamic Business Circle into a trusted platform for fostering economic opportunities and fostering growth, particularly within the Middle East, Europe, and Asia countries. Under his leadership, the Abrahamic Business Circle has become a beacon of economic diplomacy, uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds and promoting mutual understanding.

The Abrahamic Business Circle identified the Middle East’s energy transition as a prime area for discussion and collaboration. The organization brought together high-profile leaders from the region, exploring investment opportunities that align with the Middle East’s renewable energy ambitions. By facilitating these meetings, The Abrahamic Business Circle continues to champion the growth of international partnerships that drive innovation and prosperity.

The Middle East is making bold strides in renewable energy, with countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia leading the way with massive solar farms and wind projects. The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in Dubai, for instance, is one of the world’s largest solar parks, symbolizing the region’s commitment to a sustainable energy future.

The Abrahamic Business Circle continues to hold periodical roundtables with the aim of fostering economic diplomacy, where cross-border transactions may happen. “What better way to improve the economy than to gather collective thoughts of high-profile individuals with the same mindset? I believe The Abrahamic Business Circle successfully acts as a bridge for people around the world,” said Dr. Nagel.

Despite the significant progress, challenges remain in the Middle East’s energy transition. Grid infrastructure, energy storage, and the development of regulatory frameworks are areas requiring further attention. These challenges, however, represent opportunities for innovation and investment. The Abrahamic Business Circle brought together key stakeholders to address these issues, offering valuable insights that could accelerate the region’s path towards a renewable energy future. “There is no problem without a solution; it’s just a matter of finding the right approach within an acceptable time frame,” said Dr. Nagel.

About The Abrahamic Business Circle
The Abrahamic Business Circle is a prestigious global network dedicated to advancing economic diplomacy through business and strategic investments. Its members include entrepreneurs, investors, corporates, and diplomats spanning 56 countries, showcasing how entrepreneurial spirit and global investments can drive sustainable development worldwide. Established prior to the Abraham Accords in September 2020, the Circle is committed to fostering unity and dialogue through economic collaboration. The Abrahamic Business Circle is strictly apolitical and areligious, focusing exclusively on tolerance and business.

The Abrahamic Business Circle

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Transformative Trends für eine dynamische Zukunft

Dubai, VAE – October 2, 2024 –Der Immobilienmarkt in Dubai ist für seine ständige Weiterentwicklung bekannt und die neuesten Entwicklungen und transformative Trends prägen diesen dynamischen Sektor wie nie zuvor. Während die Stadt weiterhin innovativ und wachstumsorientiert bleibt, treiben mehrere wichtige Trends ihren Fortschritt voran.

Dubai steht an der Spitze einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung und verfolgt einen systematischen Ansatz, der wirkungsvolle, langfristige und kosteneffektive Lösungen bietet. Diese Methode stellt sicher, dass das Wachstum der Stadt nicht nur schnell, sondern auch umweltverantwortlich ist, und setzt damit einen Maßstab für andere globale Städte.

Der kontinuierliche Fluss von Megaprojekten in Dubai unterstreicht die Abhängigkeit des Marktes von ausländischen Investitionen. Dieser Kapitalzufluss ist entscheidend, um der wachsenden Nachfrage gerecht zu werden und die ehrgeizigen Ziele der Regierung zur Erhöhung der Auslandsdirektinvestitionen (FDI) zu unterstützen. Dubais finanzielle Bereitschaft und strategische Initiativen machen es zu einem attraktiven Ziel für Investoren weltweit.

Der Immobilienmarkt in Dubai ist bereit für einen großen Fortschritt, dank des Anstiegs ausländischer Investoren, erstklassiger Immobilienprojekte und nachhaltiger Infrastruktur. Mit diesen Kräften, die Innovation und Effizienz vorantreiben, entwickelt sich Dubai zu einem dynamischen Epizentrum für Immobilienmöglichkeiten, das perfekt mit der Vision von Worldfield übereinstimmt, transformative Investitionen und Entwicklungen zu initiieren.

Worldfield, ein wichtiger Akteur in diesem dynamischen Markt, legt großen Wert auf Qualität, Wissen und Service. Sie garantieren ihren Kunden und Investoren eine persönliche Unterstützung bei ihren Immobilienvorhaben. Worldfield bietet ein exklusives Portfolio sorgfältig ausgewählter Projekte, die von ihrem professionellen Team basierend auf den Bedürfnissen der Kunden, datenbasierten Erkenntnissen und Marktanalysen kuratiert werden. Ihr Angebot umfasst Wohn-, Industrie- und Gewerbeimmobilien und sorgt für einen umfassenden Ansatz bei Immobilieninvestitionen.

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Enhancing Media Outreach for Corporate Growth

Apia, Samoa – October 2, 2024 Enhancing Media outreach serves as a powerful tool for building brand awareness and reaching a wider audience. By securing media coverage, companies can position themselves as industry experts and thought leaders. Presslink Media utilized this to increase brand recognition, customer trust, and ultimately, increased sales. Moreover, media coverage can help companies establish credibility and differentiate themselves from competitors.

To enhance media outreach, it is essential to develop a well-defined media relations strategy. This strategy should outline the company’s key messages, target media outlets, and tactics for engaging with journalists. It is also important to identify the most relevant media outlets that reach the company’s target audience. By understanding the preferences and interests of journalists, companies can tailor their pitches to increase the likelihood of coverage.

Another valuable tactic for enhancing media outreach is to offer compelling story angles. Journalists are always looking for interesting and newsworthy stories. By identifying unique angles and providing compelling narratives, companies can increase their chances of securing media coverage. Additionally, offering exclusive interviews or access to company executives can make a story more attractive to journalists.

In addition to traditional media outlets, social media platforms have emerged as powerful tools for enhancing media outreach. Companies can leverage social media to share press releases, engage with journalists, and connect with their target audience. By using social media effectively, companies can amplify their media coverage and reach a wider audience. Presslink Media helps companies to publish press releases, with the goal of increasing the online visibility of companies.

Furthermore, it is important to measure and analyse the effectiveness of media outreach efforts. By tracking metrics such as media placements, audience reach, and website traffic, companies can assess the impact of their media relations activities. This data can be used to refine strategies and optimize future efforts.

In conclusion, effective media outreach is essential for corporate growth. Presslink Media helps companies rise in online rankings and provide a platform for press releases. Strategically engaging with media outlets, companies can position themselves as industry leaders and achieve their corporate goals.

About PressLink Media 

Press Link Media is a public relations and press release platform, enhancing SEO, online visibility and corporate communications.

Presslink Media invites businesses, organizations, and individuals to join their growing network and experience the benefits of press release distribution. For more information about the services and how to get started with your press release distribution, please visit our website or contact us.

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Presslink Media Ltd.

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Social Media To Expands Businesses

Dubai, UAE – October 2, 2024 Social media has revolutionized the way to expands businesses and interact with their customers. By effectively utilizing social media platforms, businesses can connect with a wider audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales.

To maximize the potential of social media, it is essential to have a well-defined strategy. The first step is to identify your target audience. Understanding their demographics, interests, and online behaviour will help you select the most appropriate platforms to reach them. Once you have identified your target audience, you can create high-quality content that resonates with them. This content should be informative, engaging, and visually appealing.

Quarero Marketing optimizes your social media profiles with relevant information, use keywords to improve discoverability, and add a professional profile picture and cover photo. Engaging with your audience is equally important to form a bond. Respond to comments, join relevant groups, and encourage user-generated content elevates the company’s position on the terms of relevance, engagement, and awareness.

Running targeted advertising campaigns can also be a powerful way to expand your reach. Social media platforms offer advanced targeting options that allow you to reach specific demographics and interests. By tracking and analyzing the performance of your campaigns, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your results. Social media platforms are always changing, so it’s important to understand how they work. “Our team has people who are creative and are experts of algorithms, which helps them figure out the best times to post your content so more people will see it and interact with it.” said Marcus, the co-founder and Chairman of Quarero Marketing.

“Branding is a tough concept. People try to grasp the essence of it but fails to see the simplest of things.” Marcus explains. At Quarero Marketing, companies can get guidance for personal and corporate branding. Personal branding is about creating and building your own professional reputation. You show people your skills, what you know, what you believe in, and who you are as a person. This helps you become respected and trusted in your field. Corporate branding is about creating a unique image for a company. It includes things like the company’s name, logo, and how it looks, as well as its beliefs, what it stands for, and its way of doing things.

Marcus utilizes social media to shape the client’s branding, personal or corporate. Quarero Marketing create stories through social media about the brand that connect with the people they want to reach. This helps the business have a strong and genuine brand image. Data-driven and apex understanding of how social media works brings trust from companies, accurately leverage their social media presence.

About Quarero Marketing

Quarero Marketing distinguishes itself through a commitment to excellence and innovation. While others focus on basic strategies, Quarero combines creativity, analytics, and technology to craft campaigns that foster long-term relationships between businesses and their audiences. Quarero believes that marketing is more than just selling and consistently delivers transformative results that exceed expectations, redefining social media engagement in the digital age.

For more information, please contact:

Quarero Marketing Accelerator FZCO

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Marcus Köhnlein

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Challenges and Opportunities in IT Outsourcing

Ontario, Canada – October 2, 2024 This is an exclusive interview with a Project Manager from Taskforce Solutions.

Interviewer: On this day, we’re conducting an interview with Taskforce Solutions’ Project Manager. Nice to meet you.

Project Manager: Nice to meet you too. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Interviewer: As we know it, Taskforce Solutions is a company that focuses on DTaaS provider. What is DTaas?

Project Manager: Yes, so DTaaS stands for Digital Transformation as a Service. Simply put, we offer expert consultation, help you set up your digital systems, teach you how to use them, and provide ongoing assistance to make sure your digital processes work well together.

Interviewer: So, it can be said that this is an IT Outsourcing, since the clients don’t have their own IT staff to do what you guys do.

Project Manager: Yeah you can say it like that. It’s common practice nowadays, seeing that the benefits of outsourcing outweigh the cons.

Interviewer: What cons are there? What’s the challenges and opportunities in IT outsourcing?

Project Manager: Well, there are a few challenges and opportunities that we handled previously. The most apparent fact is the potential for communication gaps. Cultural differences, language barriers, and time zone disparities can hinder communication and lead to misunderstandings. Time zones don’t matter too much honestly because we can negotiate for that.

Interviewer: Don’t you have translators for language barriers?

Project Manager: It’s not as easy at it seems. Language barriers stretches more outside the language itself. What we need to know is the intention and motivation. What do the client want, how can we from Taskforce Solutions help them with the problem, and how we can provide the solution in a way that is acceptable for them. Here in Taskforce Solutions, we don’t only solve problems, we also prioritize satisfaction. If the client’s not happy, we’re not happy. It shows that something’s missing from our work. Thankfully our experience altogether made us a great team.

Interviewer: That makes sense. How about the future prospects then? What are the opportunities that lies ahead for DTaaS? Is it something fleeting or something that can be obsolete with the presence of AI, or machines?

Project Manager: Thank you, that’s a great question. The great thing about IT outsourcing is that companies can significantly reduce IT costs by leveraging economies of scale and accessing specialized expertise at a lower cost. Not only that, outsourcing can provide access to specialized skills and technologies that may be difficult or expensive to acquire in-house. For security, by transferring IT risks to a third-party provider, companies can reduce their exposure to potential disruptions and losses. IT services can’t be fully automated by AI or machines because we control the machines. We will be needed to oversee AI systems, make strategic decisions, and address complex problems that machines may not be able to handle.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing with us such mind-opening answers. How can companies find you in the future?

Project Manager: You can just find our website at or search us online. It’s been a pleasure sharing with you.

About Taskforce Solutions

Headquartered in Ontario, Canada, Taskforce Solutions is a leading Digital-Transformation-as-a-Service, short ‘DTaaS’ provider, serving over 70 global clients from our international development centres. Their clients include some of the most respected companies in the technology, pharmaceuticals, insurance, and many other industries. Taskforce caters to a diverse range of sectors including automotive, billing, customer service, e-commerce and retail, financial and insurance, gaming and entertainment, healthcare, public sector, and SaaS & software. Operating in more than 14 markets worldwide, Taskforce is dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that drive efficiency and growth. For more information about Taskforce Solutions and our services, please visit our website.


Taskforce Solutions Ltd.

2000 Thurston Drive

Bureau 5, Ottawa, Ontario

Canada, K1G 4K7

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Utilizing Robots in the Industrial Setting

Zurich, Switzerland – October 2, 2024 Quarero Robotics revolves around security robots technology and is progressing day by day. As technology gets better, utilizing robots in industrial setting and other businesses is becoming more common. This brings many benefits, like making things faster, having better quality, and keeping people safe.

Quarero Robotics One of the biggest improvements in robots is the invention of collaborative robots, or “cobots.” Unlike older robots that work alone in special areas, cobots are made to work with people. They share the workspace and do jobs that were hard or dangerous for humans before. This helps things get done faster and makes work more flexible, as people can use their brains to think and solve problems while robots do the repetitive or hard work.

Previously, Quarero Robotics managed to integrate 5G connections and AI to their robots for better processing and use in the future. Currently, there are new breakthroughs where Quarero Robotics successfully implemented the technology in a warehouse and patroled the area. The multi-function robots can easily detect suspicious activities and secure the warehouse at the same time. Quarero Robotics keeps on updating and improving the robots for easier use and more function to speed up business processes.

Quarero Robotics’ commitment to innovation and continuous improvement has been instrumental in its success. The company is constantly exploring new ways to enhance the capabilities of its robots and make them more accessible to businesses. By staying ahead of the curve, Quarero Robotics is positioning itself as a leading provider of security robotics solutions.

As the demand for advanced security technologies continues to grow, Quarero Robotics is well-positioned to capitalize on the market opportunity. The company’s innovative approach, coupled with its strong technological capabilities, make it a frontrunner in the field of security robotics. With its focus on delivering cutting-edge solutions and providing exceptional customer service, Quarero Robotics aims to be the best in its industry.

About Quarero Robotics

Quarero Robotics is a security robotics startup, specialising in Robotics-as-a-Service. Established in 2021 in Switzerland, Quarero AG initially aimed to foster collaboration between students and businesses, facilitating an exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge. Within a short span, its success soared, with the company’s valuation surpassing CHF 20 million. Driven by this momentum, a distinct trend emerged towards robotics. In 2023, Quarero AG forged a close partnership with the University of Furtwangen, focusing on safety robots. This collaboration marked the genesis of Quarero Robotics.

For more information, please contact:

Quarero AG

Marcus Köhnlein

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Online Education in Professional Development

Paris, France – October 2, 2024 Online education has emerged as a powerful tool for professional development, offering a flexible, accessible, and affordable way for individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge. As technology continues to advance, the role of online education in shaping the future of professional development is becoming increasingly significant.

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Martín Rodríguez, General Director of Paris Metropolitan University explained one of the primary advantages of online education is its flexibility. Unlike traditional classroom-based learning, online courses can be accessed from anywhere at any time, allowing students to balance their education with their work and personal life. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for professionals who are unable to attend in-person classes due to geographical constraints or time limitations. Moreover, online learning platforms often offer self-paced courses, enabling learners to progress through the material at their own pace.

Courses and Programs

In addition to flexibility, online education offers a diverse range of courses and programs. From specialized industry certifications to general skills development, there is a wide variety of educational content available online. This diversity empowers individuals to tailor their learning to their specific career goals and interests. Furthermore, online platforms often provide access to a global community of learners, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Currently Paris Metropolitan University offers 3 main programs. Students who want to learn a specific subject with a short time frame can join the Executive Diploma program. The most enticing and favourable program is the Master Studies, for Business Administration, Strategic Management & Leadership, and International Business Law. Paris Metropolitan University is currently preparing for their Doctoral studies.

Tuition Dilemmas

Another significant advantage of online education is its affordability. Online courses are generally more cost-effective than traditional classroom-based programs. This is due to the reduced overhead costs associated with operating physical campuses and the ability to reach a larger audience. Paris Metropolitan University offer flexible payment options and financial aid programs, making education more accessible to a wider range of individuals.

Online courses have its own challenges, one of them is ensuring the quality of online education. With the proliferation of online learning platforms, it can be difficult to distinguish between high-quality and low-quality courses. To address this issue, many reputable institutions and organizations have established standards and accreditation processes for online programs. Additionally, learners can research online reviews and ratings to assess the quality of courses and platforms.

Despite these challenges, the rise of online education has had a profound impact on professional development. By providing flexibility, accessibility, affordability, and a diverse range of courses, online education empowers individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge, advance their careers, and stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing job market. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect online education to play an even more central role in shaping the future of professional development.

About Paris Metropolitan University

Paris Metropolitan University is a leading institution of higher online education located in the heart of Paris, France. Known for its academic excellence, research achievements, and commitment to societal impact, Paris Metropolitan University offers a diverse range of programs across various disciplines. The university’s commitment to academic excellence, innovative teaching methods, and comprehensive student support ensures that graduates are well-equipped to achieve their career goals.

Authorized by the Académie de Paris: 

Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of National Education of France

according to Code de l’Éducation Articles L 444-1 à 444-11 et R 444-1 à 444-28

Paris Metropolitan University

250 bis Boulevard Saint-Germain

75007 Paris, France

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How to Start Navigating Through International Market

Dubai, UAE – October 2, 2024 Veronica Cabrera, Managing Partner at Northgate Law Group just shared a few strategies to dive into the international market for new businesses. Northgate Law Group helps businesses get ready to sell their stock to the public. They offer help with all the paperwork and rules that companies need to follow when they list their shares on a stock exchange. Why is it important to dive into the international market? When is the right time? Most importantly, how to do it right?

First and Foremost

“Companies must first figure out what is global investment and the possible after-effects.” Said Veronica during the interview. Global investment refers to the allocation of capital across international borders. This can involve investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, or other assets in foreign countries. It’s a strategy used to diversify risk, access new markets, and potentially earn higher returns. “Northgate Law Group does not have any affiliations with these exchanges, rather we formed a trusted network at each exchange”

Positioning Your Business

“After you know your goal in international investment, you need to know where you are. Not your city or country but where do you stand on the ladder of investment.” Veronica stated that a company must be aware of its competencies and risk management. The companies must determine how high or how low they can take risks. There are some who do not understand how to assess risk and minimize those risks especially in investment. “That’s where Northgate Law Group comes in. We help those companies to prepare themselves and join the international market.” Said Veronica

How to Start Safely?

Northgate Law Group stems their confidence from their leading global strategy thinking. “We have a long history of being leaders in business strategy. We keep up with the latest trends and find new ways to solve problems.” said Veronica. Results are important, and the way Northgate Law Group achieve those results comes from their client-centric approach. They work closely with their clients to create the optimal strategies, turning big ideas into real results.

Strategic alignment ensures operational initiatives are aligned with overarching business strategies, driving sustainable success. “Gaining competitive edge against your opponents is not easy. All companies that are sustainable have a right mindset and swiftly develop their strategies. We work where strategy, technology, and change meet to produce winning competitive advantages.” Veronica explained.

About Northgate Law Group

Northgate Law Group is an international legal consultancy based in the United Arab Emirates. The firm offers out-of-the-box solutions to help you meet your business objectives. Its partners have a wealth of experience and a result-driven attitude to every situation. Northgate Law Group is highly specialized in capital market strategies for growing companies, offering expert advice on private placements and going public for raising funds.

For more information, please contact:

Northgate Law Group FZ-LLC

RAK, United Arab Emirates

Verónica Cabrera

Managing Partner

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