Security Technology Innovations

Zurich, Switzerland – October 14, 2024 The security sector is experiencing a profound transformation. Innovations in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) are driving significant changes in how businesses and governments approach security. With increasing threats in various environments, from urban centers to industrial zones, the demand for more efficient, reliable, and scalable security solutions has grown. Quarero Robotics, a key player in the field of security robotics, has been at the forefront of these technological advancements, developing autonomous systems designed to enhance safety and operational efficiency.

In an exclusive discussion with Quarero Robotics, the company shares insights into the latest security technology Innovations, the challenges involved in developing these systems, and the potential future of security automation. While the company is focused on pushing the boundaries of what technology can achieve in high-risk environments, it remains equally dedicated to addressing the ethical concerns that come with automation.

The Evolution of Security Through Robotics

Security has traditionally relied on human personnel to monitor, protect, and respond to potential threats. Over time, technology has enhanced the capabilities of security teams, with cameras, sensors, and alarms becoming standard tools in the fight against crime and other dangers. However, Quarero Robotics is taking this a step further by introducing autonomous systems that can operate in challenging conditions without the need for constant human oversight.

“Security technology Innovations has evolved significantly in recent years,” a representative from Quarero Robotics explains. “We’re now able to deploy robots that can patrol large areas, monitor environments, and even detect anomalies, all while minimizing the need for human intervention.” The company’s robots are designed for use in high-risk environments, such as industrial sites and critical infrastructure locations, where human presence may not be ideal or even safe.

Quarero Robotics focuses on building autonomous machines capable of executing tasks with a high degree of precision, making them valuable assets in complex security operations. These robots are equipped with advanced sensors and AI-driven software, allowing them to detect unusual activity, assess potential threats, and alert security teams in real-time. Their ability to operate in conditions that may be hazardous to human security personnel not only enhances safety but also enables around-the-clock monitoring without the need for constant human supervision.

The integration of AI into these systems means they can process vast amounts of data quickly, recognizing patterns or behaviors that may indicate a security threat. The representative points out, “Our systems can analyze environmental data and act on it much faster than a human could. This allows for quicker responses to potential threats, improving overall security outcomes.”

Challenges in Developing Autonomous Security Systems

Despite the clear advantages of robotic security solutions, developing these technologies is not without challenges. Quarero Robotics is constantly working to refine the technology and ensure that its systems can operate in a variety of real-world conditions. One of the biggest hurdles is creating machines that can adapt to the complexities of dynamic environments, which often require split-second decision-making.

“Robots need to be able to operate autonomously in environments that can change quickly,” the representative says. “For instance, a robot monitoring a construction site must be able to navigate obstacles, account for changes in terrain, and recognize new structures that may have been added since its last patrol. This level of adaptability requires advanced AI and machine learning algorithms.”

The company is investing heavily in refining the software that powers its robots, particularly in areas such as image recognition and real-time data processing. These innovations allow the machines to differentiate between a harmless anomaly, such as an animal wandering onto a property,and a real security threat like unauthorized human entry. This capability is vital in ensuring that the system remains reliable and accurate in its assessments, minimizing false alarms and unnecessary interventions.

Additionally, there are logistical and operational challenges involved in deploying these systems at scale. Battery life, maintenance, and integration with existing security infrastructure all need to be considered. “We’re constantly innovating in terms of energy efficiency and hardware durability,” the representative adds. “Our goal is to ensure that these systems can operate continuously for long periods without needing constant maintenance.”

The Role of AI in Enhancing Security

Artificial intelligence plays a central role in Quarero Robotics’ security systems, enabling the robots to not only detect threats but also learn from their environment over time. AI allows these machines to improve their performance, making them more effective at detecting and responding to potential security breaches.

“AI is what allows our robots to go beyond simple surveillance,” the representative notes. “It gives them the ability to learn from their surroundings, identify potential risks, and even predict patterns that may signal a future security incident.” This predictive capability can be invaluable in high-security environments where proactive threat detection is essential.

By incorporating machine learning algorithms, Quarero Robotics’ systems can become more accurate the longer they are deployed. The representative explains that the robots are capable of adjusting their responses based on data from previous patrols, which allows them to become more efficient at recognizing abnormal behaviors and potential threats. This adaptability means that the robots can handle an increasing number of complex scenarios, from detecting intrusions to identifying equipment malfunctions in industrial settings.

“With AI, we’re able to reduce the human error factor in security operations,” the representative explains. “Our systems are designed to provide consistent, round-the-clock monitoring without the fatigue or oversight issues that can sometimes affect human personnel.”

Addressing Ethical Concerns

As with any technology that involves surveillance and data collection, there are important ethical considerations to address. Privacy, accountability, and decision-making processes are all areas that must be carefully managed as automation becomes more prevalent in the security sector.

Quarero Robotics is aware of these concerns and places a high priority on ensuring that its systems are used responsibly. “Privacy is a major focus for us,” the representative says. “We understand that autonomous systems can raise concerns about surveillance and data use. That’s why we’re committed to ensuring that all the data our systems collect is handled with the utmost care and in full compliance with privacy regulations.”

The company is also addressing issues of accountability, particularly in cases where robots are required to make real-time decisions about potential threats. “Human oversight is always important in the deployment of our systems,” the representative explains. “While the robots are autonomous, there are always human operators involved to review and verify decisions before taking any action that could affect people or property.”

The balance between automation and human oversight is key in ensuring that ethical standards are maintained. While robots are capable of processing large amounts of data and making rapid decisions, there are certain scenarios—such as the use of force or detaining a potential threat—where human judgment must still play a role. Quarero Robotics has built these safeguards into its systems, ensuring that critical decisions are made by qualified security personnel.

The Future of Security Automation

Looking ahead, Quarero Robotics sees enormous potential for further innovation in the security sector. The company is exploring new ways to integrate its systems with other emerging technologies, such as drones and smart infrastructure, to create even more comprehensive security solutions.

“Our vision for the future is a fully integrated security ecosystem,” the representative explains. “Imagine a system where autonomous robots, drones, and AI-powered software all work together seamlessly to monitor and protect a site. This kind of integration is where we see the industry heading.”

The future of security, according to Quarero Robotics, will involve more sophisticated systems capable of handling increasingly complex environments. With the ongoing development of AI and robotics, security solutions will continue to evolve, providing better protection, greater efficiency, and improved safety for businesses and governments worldwide.


As security technology advances, companies like Quarero Robotics are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in terms of automation and AI-driven solutions. Their innovations are enhancing security in ways that were once thought to be science fiction, bringing new levels of efficiency and safety to industries that require constant protection.

However, with these advancements come important ethical considerations. As Quarero Robotics continues to refine its systems, it remains committed to ensuring that privacy, accountability, and human oversight are central to its approach.

About Quarero Robotics

Quarero Robotics is a security robotics startup, specialising in Robotics-as-a-Service. Established in 2021 in Switzerland, Quarero AG initially aimed to foster collaboration between students and businesses, facilitating an exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge. Within a short span, its success soared, with the company’s valuation surpassing CHF 20 million. Driven by this momentum, a distinct trend emerged towards robotics. In 2023, Quarero AG forged a close partnership with the University of Furtwangen, focusing on safety robots. This collaboration marked the genesis of Quarero Robotics.

For more information, please contact:

Quarero AG


Marcus Köhnlein

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Die ethischen Implikationen zunehmender Automatisierung in der Sicherheit

Zürich, Schweiz – 11. Oktober 2024 Mit der fortschreitenden Automatisierung erweitern sich die Anwendungsbereiche in Bereiche, die früher ausschließlich von Menschen überwacht wurden, einschließlich der Sicherheit. Autonome Systeme wie Drohnen, Überwachungsroboter und KI-gesteuerte Überwachungstools verändern die Landschaft der Sicherheit rasant. Unternehmen wie Quarero Robotics stehen an vorderster Front dieser Transformation und bieten Lösungen, die die Effizienz steigern, Kosten senken und die Sicherheit erhöhen. Doch der Aufstieg automatisierter Sicherheitssysteme wirft auch wichtige ethische Fragen auf, insbesondere in Bezug auf Privatsphäre, Verantwortlichkeit, Entscheidungsfindung und die potenziellen gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen.

Dieser Artikel beleuchtet die ethischen Implikationen der zunehmenden Automatisierung in der Sicherheit, die Rolle von Unternehmen wie Quarero Robotics und die breiteren gesellschaftlichen Bedenken, die angesichts der zunehmenden Automatisierung in Sicherheitsoperationen berücksichtigt werden müssen.

Der Wandel hin zur automatisierten Sicherheit

Automatisierung in der Sicherheit ist kein neues Konzept. Seit Jahren integrieren Unternehmen und Regierungen Technologien wie Kameras, Alarmsysteme und Sensoren in ihre Sicherheitssysteme. Doch die jüngsten Fortschritte in der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) und Robotik haben zu komplexeren Lösungen geführt, wie autonomen Patrouillenrobotern und KI-gesteuerten Überwachungssystemen.

Quarero Robotics, bekannt für seine Arbeit in der Robotik für Hochrisikoumgebungen, bietet Roboter an, die Sicherheitsaufgaben in gefährlichen oder anspruchsvollen Umgebungen übernehmen können. Durch die Reduzierung der Notwendigkeit von menschlichem Personal in gefährlichen Umgebungen bieten diese automatisierten Systeme erhebliche Vorteile in Bezug auf Sicherheit und Effizienz. Dennoch wirft diese zunehmende Abhängigkeit von Automatisierung in der Sicherheit auch ethische Bedenken auf, die sorgfältig abgewogen werden müssen.

Datenschutzbedenken und Überwachung

Eine der zentralen ethischen Fragen im Zusammenhang mit automatisierten Sicherheitssystemen ist das Potenzial für eine verstärkte Überwachung. KI-gesteuerte Systeme und Roboter können große Mengen an Daten sammeln, oft ohne direkte menschliche Überwachung. Während diese Technologien die Sicherheit durch schnellere Bedrohungserkennung verbessern könnten, stellen sie auch erhebliche Risiken für die Privatsphäre dar.

Herausforderung der Verantwortlichkeit

Ein weiteres ethisches Problem der automatisierten Sicherheit ist die Frage der Verantwortlichkeit. Wenn autonome Systeme Sicherheitsfunktionen übernehmen, wird die Zuordnung von Verantwortung bei Fehlfunktionen oder Fehlentscheidungen schwieriger. Um dieser Herausforderung zu begegnen, legen Unternehmen wie Quarero Robotics Wert auf Transparenz und klare Verfahren zur Fehlerbehebung.

Ethische Entscheidungsfindung in der automatisierten Sicherheit

Ein weiteres großes Problem bei der Automatisierung in der Sicherheit ist die Frage, ob Maschinen in der Lage sind, ethisch fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Menschen sind in der Lage, Urteile zu fällen, die moralische und ethische Überlegungen einbeziehen. Roboter hingegen fehlen oft die notwendigen Feinheiten, um komplexe Situationen mit dem gleichen moralischen Urteilsvermögen zu bewältigen.

Gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen und Arbeitsplatzverdrängung

Ein bedeutender Aspekt der zunehmenden Automatisierung in der Sicherheit ist die potenzielle Verdrängung von Arbeitsplätzen. Automatisierung könnte zu einem Arbeitsplatzverlust in sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen führen. Unternehmen wie Quarero Robotics tragen daher die Verantwortung, die gesellschaftlichen Kosten ihrer Innovationen zu bedenken und möglicherweise Umschulungsprogramme anzubieten, um betroffene Arbeitskräfte zu unterstützen.


Die ethischen Implikationen der zunehmenden Automatisierung in der Sicherheit sind komplex und vielfältig. Während Fortschritte in der Robotik und KI das Potenzial haben, Sicherheit und Effizienz zu verbessern, erfordern sie eine sorgfältige Abwägung der ethischen Herausforderungen, die sie mit sich bringen.

Über Quarero Robotics

Quarero Robotics ist ein Startup im Bereich Sicherheitsrobotik, das sich auf Robotics-as-a-Service spezialisiert hat. Gegründet im Jahr 2021 in der Schweiz, verfolgte Quarero AG ursprünglich das Ziel, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Studenten und Unternehmen zu fördern und den Austausch von theoretischem und praktischem Wissen zu ermöglichen. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit stieg der Erfolg des Unternehmens rasant an, und der Unternehmenswert überstieg CHF 20 Millionen. Angetrieben von diesem Momentum zeichnete sich ein deutlicher Trend hin zur Robotik ab. Im Jahr 2023 ging Quarero AG eine enge Partnerschaft mit der Hochschule Furtwangen ein, die sich auf Sicherheitsroboter konzentriert. Diese Zusammenarbeit markierte den Beginn von Quarero Robotics.

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Quarero AG


Marcus Köhnlein

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Robotics in a High-Risk Environment

Zurich, Switzerland – October 10, 2024 The integration of robotics into high-risk environments is no longer just a vision of the future, but a reality that is actively transforming how businesses operate. Industries such as mining, oil and gas, nuclear energy, and disaster response are increasingly turning to robotics to improve operational safety and efficiency. Quarero Robotics, a company known for its expertise in developing and deploying autonomous robotic systems, has been a key player in this shift, offering tailored solutions to the unique challenges of hazardous work environments.

This case study delves into one of the most significant successes of Quarero Robotics: the deployment of robotic systems in a high-risk environment. This achievement highlights how robots can reduce human exposure to danger, increase productivity, and improve operational precision, providing a new model for other industries to follow. The project is a testament to how the right combination of technology and strategy can solve some of the most pressing issues in hazardous work settings.

The Challenge: Operating in High-Risk Conditions

Industries operating in hazardous environments face a core challenge: how to ensure the safety of their workers while maintaining operational efficiency. Workers in these sectors are often exposed to extreme conditions, such as toxic chemicals, intense heat, radiation, and structurally unstable environments. Even routine tasks can become life-threatening, making safety the number one concern. The need to reduce human exposure in such high-risk environments is a persistent issue.

A company operating in a particularly hazardous sector approached Quarero Robotics with the challenge of automating critical tasks traditionally carried out by human workers. The aim was to deploy a fleet of autonomous robots capable of executing tasks such as monitoring, inspection, and material handling without requiring human workers to be physically present in dangerous zones. The environment in question was marked by several high-risk factors, including extreme temperature fluctuations, the presence of volatile materials, and structural vulnerabilities.

Quarero Robotics was tasked with designing a solution that would ensure that all tasks were performed with the highest levels of precision and safety. The system would need to function autonomously in this environment while ensuring that the operations remained smooth and efficient, even in the face of unpredictable challenges.

The Solution: Tailored Robotic Systems

After a thorough assessment of the environment and operational needs, Quarero Robotics developed a customized robotic system specifically designed for the conditions of the high-risk site. The system was modular and flexible, allowing the robots to be equipped for a variety of tasks, from real-time monitoring and data collection to inspection and material handling.

The robots were equipped with advanced sensors capable of capturing real-time data on environmental factors such as temperature, gas levels, and structural integrity. This real-time data was crucial for identifying potential hazards before they became emergencies, enabling the company to act proactively rather than reactively. Additionally, the robots were outfitted with high-definition cameras and thermal imaging technology, allowing them to conduct visual inspections in areas that were too dangerous for human workers. This made it possible to identify signs of structural wear, corrosion, or damage in equipment, thereby reducing the risk of critical failures.

Material handling posed its own unique challenges, particularly in the manipulation of volatile or hazardous materials. To address this, the robots were designed to transport and handle materials with precision and care, reducing the likelihood of spills, accidents, or exposure to dangerous substances. This aspect of the deployment not only minimized human risk but also streamlined operational processes, allowing for safer and faster handling of materials.

A critical component of the solution was the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) that enabled the robots to operate autonomously. The AI system was designed to make real-time decisions based on environmental conditions, allowing the robots to adjust their operations dynamically without the need for constant human intervention. This level of autonomy was crucial in ensuring that the robots could handle changing conditions, such as temperature spikes or unexpected obstacles, with minimal input from human operators.

Overcoming Operational Challenges

Deploying robotics in a high-risk environment comes with a range of operational challenges, many of which are unique to the specific hazards of each setting. In this particular case, the combination of extreme temperatures, volatile materials, and the potential for structural instability presented significant difficulties for both the hardware and software components of the robotic systems.

To ensure the robots could withstand these conditions, Quarero Robotics used heat-resistant and corrosion-proof materials in their construction. This design allowed the robots to continue operating even in areas with high temperatures or exposure to corrosive substances. Additionally, the systems were engineered to function effectively in low-oxygen environments, ensuring continuous operation in spaces where air quality was compromised.

One of the main concerns in hazardous environments is the possibility of system failures leading to catastrophic consequences. To address this, Quarero Robotics implemented multiple layers of redundancy in the robotic systems. Critical components such as sensors and communication systems were backed up by secondary systems, allowing the robots to continue functioning even if a primary system failed. This redundancy ensured that operations could proceed safely and reliably.

Maintaining reliable communication between the robots and human operators was another major challenge. In high-risk environments, factors such as electromagnetic interference and structural obstructions can disrupt communication networks. Quarero Robotics overcame this by developing a secure, low-latency communication system that allowed operators to monitor and control the robots in real time. This system ensured that, even in areas with significant interference, operators could maintain uninterrupted communication with the robots, allowing for swift intervention when necessary.

Safety remained a top priority throughout the deployment. The robots were equipped with emergency shutdown mechanisms that could be triggered automatically if the system detected a critical malfunction or hazard. The AI algorithms were also designed with safety protocols in mind, ensuring that operations would cease if the robots encountered an unexpected obstacle or danger.

Deployment and Execution

The deployment of Quarero Robotics’ solution was carried out in phases to ensure a smooth transition from manual to automated operations. The initial phase involved deploying a small number of robots to test their performance in the high-risk environment. These tests allowed the team to fine-tune the robots’ behavior and optimize their performance based on real-world data.

During the test phase, the robots successfully executed a wide range of tasks, including environmental monitoring, visual inspection, and material handling. The data gathered during this phase was used to improve the AI algorithms, ensuring that the robots could adapt even more effectively to changing conditions.

Once testing was complete, the full fleet of robots was deployed, and the results were immediate. Human workers were no longer required to enter the most hazardous areas, significantly reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. The robots were able to operate continuously, increasing productivity by reducing downtime for breaks and shift changes. Additionally, the ability of the robots to monitor conditions in real-time allowed for faster detection and response to potential hazards, further improving safety outcomes.

One of the key successes of the deployment was the robots’ ability to adapt to rapidly changing environmental conditions. In one instance, when a critical temperature spike occurred due to an equipment malfunction, the robots quickly identified the issue, shut down non-essential operations, and provided real-time data to human operators. This quick response prevented the situation from escalating and allowed the issue to be resolved before it posed a significant risk to the facility.

Results and Impact

The deployment of Quarero Robotics’ robotic system resulted in significant improvements in both safety and operational efficiency. The primary outcome was the enhanced safety of human workers, who no longer needed to enter high-risk zones for routine tasks. This reduction in human exposure to hazardous conditions led to fewer accidents and injuries, which in turn improved worker morale and overall job satisfaction.

Operational efficiency also saw a significant boost. The robots’ ability to operate around the clock meant that tasks such as inspections and material handling could be completed more quickly and with greater precision. This reduction in downtime allowed the company to increase its overall output without compromising safety.

In terms of cost savings, the deployment of robotics reduced the need for expensive safety equipment and protective measures for human workers. Additionally, the proactive maintenance enabled by the robots’ inspection capabilities helped the company avoid costly repairs and downtime due to equipment failures.

The data collected by the robots provided invaluable insights into the condition of the facility, allowing the company to make more informed decisions about maintenance, resource allocation, and long-term planning. This data-driven approach to operations improved both efficiency and risk management, creating a more resilient and adaptable business model.


The successful deployment of robotics in a high-risk environment by Quarero Robotics demonstrates the transformative potential of autonomous systems in hazardous industries. By reducing human exposure to danger, increasing operational efficiency, and providing real-time data for better decision-making, robotics technology is revolutionizing how companies operate in challenging environments.

Quarero Robotics’ commitment to innovation, customization, and safety has set a new standard for the deployment of robotics in high-risk settings. As industries continue to seek ways to reduce risk and improve productivity, the role of robotics will only grow. This case study serves as a powerful example of how the right technological solutions can not only meet but exceed the demands of the most challenging environments.

About Quarero Robotics

Quarero Robotics is a security robotics startup, specialising in Robotics-as-a-Service. Established in 2021 in Switzerland, Quarero AG initially aimed to foster collaboration between students and businesses, facilitating an exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge. Within a short span, its success soared, with the company’s valuation surpassing CHF 20 million. Driven by this momentum, a distinct trend emerged towards robotics. In 2023, Quarero AG forged a close partnership with the University of Furtwangen, focusing on safety robots. This collaboration marked the genesis of Quarero Robotics.

For more information, please contact:

Quarero AG

Marcus Köhnlein

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Configuración de la seguridad industrial

Zúrich, Suiza – 9 de Octubre de 2024 Las empresas que operan en sectores de alto riesgo, como la manufactura y la energía, están recurriendo cada vez más a tecnologías avanzadas para gestionar seguridad industrial. Quarero Robotics, un actor clave en este ámbito, está a la vanguardia del desarrollo de sistemas autónomos que no solo mejoran la eficiencia operativa, sino que también incrementan la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo.

Según Marcus Köhnlein, Director Ejecutivo de Quarero Robotics, la integración del aprendizaje automático y la inteligencia artificial en sus sistemas robóticos ha revolucionado la forma en que las empresas pueden monitorear y mitigar riesgos. Una de las principales innovaciones de Quarero Robotics ha sido el uso de robots impulsados por IA que monitorean continuamente los entornos industriales.

Para Köhnlein, el verdadero valor de la robótica en las operaciones de seguridad radica en la capacidad de los sistemas para aprender de sus entornos. A medida que los robots operan, recopilan datos y mejoran su capacidad para diferenciar patrones normales de anormales. “Cuanto más tiempo trabajen en una instalación, más inteligentes se vuelven”, explica Köhnlein. “Esto significa que no solo reaccionan a riesgos inmediatos, sino que también son capaces de predecir posibles problemas basados en los datos acumulados a lo largo del tiempo”.

Una de las áreas donde Quarero Robotics ha tenido un impacto notable es en la capacidad de sus sistemas para operar las 24 horas del día sin la necesidad de supervisión humana. Este monitoreo continuo es crucial para las industrias que enfrentan riesgos de seguridad en todo momento, lo que permite a las empresas estar seguras de que sus operaciones están siendo vigiladas, incluso cuando los trabajadores humanos no están presentes. Estos sistemas robóticos pueden identificar peligros en tiempo real y notificar de inmediato a los operadores humanos, garantizando que los riesgos se mitiguen antes de que escalen.

Más allá de su capacidad para el monitoreo en tiempo real, los robots de Quarero están diseñados para trabajar en colaboración con los equipos humanos, no para reemplazarlos. Köhnlein subraya la importancia de esta colaboración humano-robot, señalando que, si bien los robots son altamente efectivos en la realización de tareas rutinarias o peligrosas, la toma de decisiones estratégicas de los operadores humanos sigue siendo esencial. Esta colaboración permite a los trabajadores humanos centrarse en tareas de mayor nivel, mientras que los robots se encargan de los aspectos más peligrosos, repetitivos o físicamente exigentes de las operaciones de seguridad.

A medida que la robótica continúa evolucionando, Quarero Robotics se centra en expandir las capacidades predictivas de sus sistemas e integrarlos con otras tecnologías emergentes, como el Internet de las Cosas (IoT). Al crear robots más inteligentes que puedan comunicarse con otros sistemas digitales en tiempo real, la empresa busca proporcionar soluciones de seguridad aún más integrales para los entornos industriales.

Acerca de Quarero Robotics

Quarero Robotics es una empresa emergente de robótica de seguridad, especializada en Robotics-as-a-Service. Fundada en 2021 en Suiza, Quarero AG inicialmente tenía como objetivo fomentar la colaboración entre estudiantes y empresas, facilitando un intercambio de conocimientos teóricos y prácticos. En un corto periodo, su éxito se disparó, con la valoración de la empresa superando los 20 millones de CHF. Impulsados por este crecimiento, surgió una clara tendencia hacia la robótica. En 2023, Quarero AG forjó una estrecha colaboración con la Universidad de Furtwangen, centrada en robots de seguridad. Esta colaboración marcó el origen de Quarero Robotics.

Para más información, por favor contacte:

Quarero AG
Marcus Köhnlein

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industriellen Sicherheit durch fortschrittliche Robotik

Zürich, Schweiz – 8. Oktober 2024 Industriellen Sicherheit sind wichtiger denn je. Branchen von der Fertigung bis zur Energie stehen vor zunehmenden Herausforderungen, komplexe Abläufe zu managen und gleichzeitig die Sicherheit ihrer Mitarbeiter zu gewährleisten. Hier hat sich die Robotik als echter Game-Changer erwiesen, da sie Lösungen bietet, die nicht nur die betriebliche Effizienz verbessern, sondern auch die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen erheblich steigern können.

Ein Unternehmen, das an der Spitze dieser Transformation steht, ist Quarero Robotics, ein auf Sicherheits- und Überwachungsrobotik spezialisiertes Unternehmen. Quarero Robotics hat eine Reihe von robotischen Systemen entwickelt, die speziell auf die einzigartigen Sicherheitsanforderungen in industriellen Umgebungen zugeschnitten sind. Durch fortschrittliche Technologien und eine durchdachte Integration dieser Lösungen tragen die Roboter dazu bei, Arbeitsplätze sicherer zu machen und gleichzeitig die Belastung für menschliche Arbeiter zu verringern.

Der Bedarf an verbesserten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in industriellen Umgebungen ist gut dokumentiert. Fabriken, Baustellen und Energieanlagen arbeiten oft unter gefährlichen Bedingungen, bei denen das Unfallrisiko hoch ist. „Seit Jahren verlässt sich mein Lager auf menschliche Überwachung und traditionelle Sicherheitsprotokolle, um Risiken zu minimieren. Doch die Implementierung von Sicherheitsrobotern hat die Sicherheit revolutioniert wie nie zuvor,“ berichtete einer der Kunden von Quarero Robotics. Genau hier hat die Einführung der Robotik einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss.

Quarero Robotics hat eine Reihe autonomer Systeme entwickelt, die Sicherheitsoperationen in Hochrisiko-Umgebungen unterstützen. Diese Roboter sind mit fortschrittlichen Sensoren und künstlicher Intelligenz ausgestattet, die es ihnen ermöglichen, potenzielle Gefahren in Echtzeit zu überwachen. Durch kontinuierliches Scannen der Umgebung können die Roboter Probleme wie Gaslecks, Geräteausfälle oder unsichere Bedingungen erkennen, lange bevor diese zu ernsthaften Vorfällen eskalieren. Die Fähigkeit, rund um die Uhr in Echtzeit zu überwachen, stellt sicher, dass Risiken sofort erkannt und behoben werden, was die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Unfällen verringert.

Eine der wichtigsten Innovationen, die Quarero Robotics eingeführt hat, ist die Nutzung von maschinellem Lernen, um die Leistung dieser Sicherheitssysteme zu verbessern. Die Roboter lernen aus den Umgebungen, in denen sie eingesetzt werden, und entwickeln ein tieferes Verständnis für normale Betriebsabläufe. Dadurch sind sie besser in der Lage, Anomalien zu erkennen, die auf ein potenzielles Sicherheitsproblem hinweisen könnten. Diese Fähigkeit ist besonders in Branchen wie der Öl- und Gasindustrie von unschätzbarem Wert, wo schon geringe Schwankungen der Umgebungsbedingungen erhebliche Sicherheitsrisiken mit sich bringen können.

Der Einfluss dieser robotischen Systeme ist bereits in verschiedenen Branchen spürbar. Unternehmen, die die Lösungen von Quarero Robotics eingeführt haben, berichten von einer spürbaren Verbesserung der Sicherheitsbilanz, mit weniger Vorfällen am Arbeitsplatz und einem proaktiveren Ansatz im Risikomanagement. Dieser Erfolg unterstreicht die wachsende Rolle der Robotik bei der Gestaltung der Zukunft der industriellen Sicherheit. Da immer mehr Industrien den Wert dieser Technologien erkennen, wird erwartet, dass die Integration von Robotik zu einer Standardpraxis bei der Aufrechterhaltung sicherer und effizienter Abläufe wird.

Über Quarero Robotics

Quarero Robotics ist ein Startup im Bereich Sicherheitsrobotik, das sich auf Robotics-as-a-Service spezialisiert hat. Gegründet im Jahr 2021 in der Schweiz, verfolgte Quarero AG ursprünglich das Ziel, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Studenten und Unternehmen zu fördern und den Austausch von theoretischem und praktischem Wissen zu ermöglichen. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit stieg der Erfolg des Unternehmens rasant an, und der Unternehmenswert überstieg CHF 20 Millionen. Angetrieben von diesem Momentum zeichnete sich ein deutlicher Trend hin zur Robotik ab. Im Jahr 2023 ging Quarero AG eine enge Partnerschaft mit der Hochschule Furtwangen ein, die sich auf Sicherheitsroboter konzentriert. Diese Zusammenarbeit markierte den Beginn von Quarero Robotics.

Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:
Quarero AG
Marcus Köhnlein

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Innovations in Robotics for Enhanced Security

Zurich, Switzerland – October 7, 2024 Robotics is emerging as a crucial component in enhancing security across various sectors. To gain deeper insights into this transformative field, an exclusive with Marcus Köhnlein, the Chief Technology Officer of Quarero Robotics, a company leading the way in innovative robotic security solutions was conducted.

To begin with, Marcus explained about the current innovations in robotics and their applications in security. He emphasized the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision, which are fundamentally redefining robotic capabilities. “Robotics is no longer just about physical presence; it’s about intelligence,” he explained. “Our robots are designed to analyze their environments in real-time, making decisions that significantly enhance security protocols.”

Quarero Robotics is currently and continuously developing specific innovations for the robots. Marcus highlighted the company’s latest robotic platform, which features autonomous navigation and advanced surveillance capabilities. “These robots can patrol designated areas, detect anomalies, and even interact with individuals when necessary,” he noted.

The conversation naturally shifted to the role of AI in these robotic systems. Marcus elaborated on how machine learning algorithms enable the robots to continuously improve their performance. “By analyzing vast amounts of data from their sensors, our robots learn to distinguish between normal and suspicious activities,” he said. This capability is particularly crucial in environments such as airports, shopping malls, and corporate facilities, where security challenges can vary significantly.

Curious about the balance between automation and human oversight, Marcus explained how Quarero Robotics approaches this issue. He emphasized the importance of collaboration between humans and robots. “While our robots can autonomously manage many tasks, human judgment remains essential in security operations. We see our robots as force multipliers; they enhance the capabilities of security personnel rather than replace them,” he explained. This synergy allows robots to efficiently manage routine operations, freeing human staff to concentrate on strategic decision-making and crisis management.

Robots for Public Spaces

Marcus also explained how the market has received these innovations. He observed that many organizations are increasingly recognizing the value these technologies bring. “Clients appreciate the consistency and reliability that robotic systems provide. They can operate around the clock without fatigue or drop in performance,” he stated. This reliability is particularly appealing in high-stakes environments where constant vigilance is critical.

We also discussed the ethical considerations surrounding the deployment of robotic systems in public spaces. Marcus acknowledged the responsibility that comes with this technology. “Transparency is critical. We ensure that our systems are designed with privacy considerations in mind. Our robots operate under strict protocols to respect individual privacy while maintaining security,” he said. He underscored the importance of building trust with the public by clearly communicating how these technologies function and the measures in place to protect personal data.

About Quarero Robotics

Quarero Robotics is a security robotics startup, specialising in Robotics-as-a-Service. Established in 2021 in Switzerland, Quarero AG initially aimed to foster collaboration between students and businesses, facilitating an exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge. Within a short span, its success soared, with the company’s valuation surpassing CHF 20 million. Driven by this momentum, a distinct trend emerged towards robotics. In 2023, Quarero AG forged a close partnership with the University of Furtwangen, focusing on safety robots. This collaboration marked the genesis of Quarero Robotics.

For more information, please contact:

Quarero AG
Switzerland Marcus Köhnlein

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stärkt die Sicherheit in der Logistikbranche

Zürich, Schweiz – 4. Oktober 2024 – Die Logistikbranche steht ständig vor Herausforderungen wie Diebstahl, unbefugtem Zutritt und der Aufrechterhaltung der betrieblichen Effizienz. Unternehmen wenden sich zunehmend fortschrittlichen technologischen Lösungen zu, wobei die Robotik als bahnbrechende Innovation hervorsticht. Dieser Artikel beleuchtet, wie ein Logistikunternehmen erfolgreich Robotik in seine Sicherheitsmaßnahmen integriert hat, um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen und die Gesamteffizienz zu steigern.

Das Unternehmen, das ein Netzwerk von Lager- und Verteilzentren in städtischen Gebieten betreibt, hatte zunächst auf traditionelle Sicherheitsmaßnahmen wie Überwachungskameras und menschliches Sicherheitspersonal gesetzt. Dennoch kam es weiterhin zu erheblichen Verlusten durch Diebstahl und unbefugten Zutritt. Angesichts der Grenzen herkömmlicher Methoden suchte das Unternehmen nach einer proaktiveren Lösung und begann, die Integration von Robotik zu erforschen.

Implementierung robotergestützter Sicherheitslösungen

Nach einer gründlichen Analyse seiner Sicherheitsanforderungen ging das Unternehmen eine Partnerschaft mit Quarero Robotics ein, einem führenden Anbieter von robotergestützten Sicherheitslösungen. Es wurden autonome Sicherheitsroboter implementiert, die das Gelände patrouillieren, Aktivitäten überwachen und mit dem Personal interagieren können. Diese Roboter boten mehrere Vorteile, darunter eine größere Abdeckung im Vergleich zu menschlichem Sicherheitspersonal, die Erfassung von Echtzeitdaten und die Fähigkeit, kriminelle Aktivitäten abzuschrecken.

Die Einführung begann mit einem Pilotprojekt in einem der am stärksten frequentierten Verteilzentren des Unternehmens. Zwei autonome Roboter-Einheiten wurden eingesetzt, um das Gelände zu patrouillieren, das Verhalten der Mitarbeiter zu beobachten und die Umgebung in Echtzeit zu analysieren. Die Roboter waren mit hochauflösenden Kameras, Bewegungssensoren und künstlicher Intelligenz ausgestattet, die es ihnen ermöglichten, ungewöhnliche Verhaltensweisen wie Herumlungern oder unbefugtes Betreten von Sperrzonen zu erkennen.

Mitarbeiterschulung und Systemintegration

Um eine reibungslose Integration zu gewährleisten, bot Quarero Robotics umfassende Schulungen für die Mitarbeiter an. Diese wurden über die Funktionen der Roboter und die potenziellen Verbesserungen ihrer eigenen Arbeitsabläufe informiert. Dazu gehörte auch das Verständnis der von den Robotern gesammelten Daten, die Einblicke in die Effizienz der Arbeitsabläufe und die Einhaltung von Sicherheitsvorschriften geben konnten.

Die Einführung der Roboter wurde sowohl mit Neugier als auch mit Skepsis aufgenommen. Einige Mitarbeiter befürchteten, dass die Roboter ihre Arbeitsplätze ersetzen könnten, während andere das Potenzial der Technologie zur Verbesserung von Sicherheit und Effizienz erkannten. Das Management betonte, dass die Roboter dazu dienen, das menschliche Sicherheitspersonal zu unterstützen und nicht zu ersetzen, was diese Bedenken weitgehend zerstreute.


Nach einem erfolgreichen dreimonatigen Pilotprojekt sammelte das Logistikunternehmen Daten zur Wirksamkeit des robotergestützten Sicherheitssystems. Die Ergebnisse waren vielversprechend. Die Zahl der Diebstahlsvorfälle ging deutlich zurück, die Verluste sanken um etwa 30 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum. Die bloße Präsenz der Roboter wirkte abschreckend, und ihre Fähigkeit, mehrere Bereiche gleichzeitig zu überwachen, erwies sich als wertvoll.

Darüber hinaus lieferten die Roboter wertvolle Analysedaten. Das Management konnte Spitzenzeiten im Betrieb, potenzielle Risikobereiche und sogar Ineffizienzen im Arbeitsablauf identifizieren. Diese Daten ermöglichten es dem Unternehmen, fundierte Entscheidungen in Bezug auf die Personalzuweisung, das Ressourcenmanagement und die Sicherheitsprotokolle zu treffen, was zu einer verbesserten Gesamteffizienz führte.

Über Quarero Robotics
Quarero Robotics ist ein 2021 in der Schweiz gegründetes Startup für Sicherheitsrobotik, das sich auf Robotics-as-a-Service (Robotik als Dienstleistung) spezialisiert hat. Die Quarero AG hatte sich ursprünglich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Studenten und Unternehmen zu fördern und den Austausch von theoretischem und praktischem Wissen zu ermöglichen. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit stieg der Erfolg sprunghaft an, und die Unternehmensbewertung überschritt 20 Millionen CHF. Angetrieben von dieser Dynamik zeichnete sich ein deutlicher Trend zur Robotik ab. Im Jahr 2023 ging die Quarero AG eine enge Partnerschaft mit der Universität Furtwangen ein, die sich auf Sicherheitsroboter konzentriert. Diese Zusammenarbeit markierte die Geburtsstunde von Quarero Robotics.

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie:

Quarero AG
Marcus Köhnlein

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Prácticas de Seguridad Moderna

Zúrich, Suiza – 3 de Octubre de 2024. Proteger nuestros hogares y negocios, así como salvaguardar infraestructuras críticas, es un esfuerzo constante. Con el avance de la tecnología, la robótica ha surgido como una herramienta poderosa en las prácticas de seguridad moderna. Estas máquinas, equipadas con sensores sofisticados, inteligencia artificial y capacidades autónomas, están revolucionando la forma en que abordamos la seguridad. Quarero Robotics, un especialista en seguridad industrial, accedió a realizar una entrevista sobre los roles específicos de la robótica en las prácticas de seguridad moderna.

“Uno de los roles más significativos de la robótica en la seguridad es la vigilancia. Los métodos de vigilancia tradicionales a menudo dependen de guardias humanos o cámaras de CCTV, que pueden ser limitados en alcance y eficiencia”, comentó el experto. Los sistemas de seguridad robótica pueden proporcionar una cobertura integral de grandes áreas, de día y de noche. Equipados con cámaras avanzadas y sensores, estos robots pueden detectar amenazas potenciales, como intrusos o actividades sospechosas, y alertar a los operadores humanos.

El experto mencionó que “los sistemas de seguridad robótica pueden mejorar la protección perimetral. Al patrullar los límites y detectar accesos no autorizados, estos robots pueden disuadir amenazas potenciales y reducir el riesgo de violaciones”. Quarero Robotics fabrica estos robots para brindar a los dueños de negocios una sensación de seguridad. Además de la vigilancia y la protección perimetral, la robótica también puede desempeñar un papel crucial en la gestión de riesgos. Los robots, equipados con sensores y manipuladores especializados, pueden acercarse y analizar objetos sospechosos de manera segura, reduciendo el riesgo de víctimas humanas.

Sistemas de seguridad robótica

Además, los sistemas de seguridad robótica pueden integrarse con otras tecnologías de seguridad, como sistemas de control de acceso y sistemas de alarma, para crear una solución de seguridad integral. Esta integración puede ayudar a optimizar las operaciones de seguridad y mejorar la eficiencia general. Si bien los beneficios de los sistemas de seguridad robótica son significativos, es importante destacar que no son un sustituto completo de la intervención humana. “Los operadores humanos siguen siendo esenciales para la toma de decisiones, supervisión y para responder a situaciones complejas que pueden requerir juicio humano”, dijo el experto. La robótica puede mejorar significativamente las capacidades del personal de seguridad humano, permitiéndoles concentrarse en tareas más estratégicas.

En conclusión, la robótica está desempeñando un papel cada vez más importante en las prácticas de seguridad modernas. Desde la vigilancia y la protección perimetral hasta la detección y disposición de explosivos, estas máquinas están revolucionando la forma en que abordamos la seguridad. A medida que la tecnología continúa avanzando, podemos esperar ver aplicaciones aún más innovadoras de la robótica en el campo de la seguridad.

Acerca de Quarero Robotics

Quarero Robotics es una startup de robótica de seguridad que se especializa en Robótica como Servicio. Fundada en 2021 en Suiza, Quarero AG tenía como objetivo inicial fomentar la colaboración entre estudiantes y empresas, facilitando un intercambio de conocimiento teórico y práctico. En poco tiempo, su éxito se disparó, y la valoración de la empresa superó los 20 millones de CHF. Impulsados por este impulso, surgió una tendencia distinta hacia la robótica. En 2023, Quarero AG forjó una estrecha asociación con la Universidad de Furtwangen, enfocándose en robots de seguridad. Esta colaboración marcó el inicio de Quarero Robotics.

Para más información, por favor contacta a:

Quarero AG Suiza

Marcus Köhnlein

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Utilizing Robots in the Industrial Setting

Zurich, Switzerland – October 2, 2024 Quarero Robotics revolves around security robots technology and is progressing day by day. As technology gets better, utilizing robots in industrial setting and other businesses is becoming more common. This brings many benefits, like making things faster, having better quality, and keeping people safe.

Quarero Robotics One of the biggest improvements in robots is the invention of collaborative robots, or “cobots.” Unlike older robots that work alone in special areas, cobots are made to work with people. They share the workspace and do jobs that were hard or dangerous for humans before. This helps things get done faster and makes work more flexible, as people can use their brains to think and solve problems while robots do the repetitive or hard work.

Previously, Quarero Robotics managed to integrate 5G connections and AI to their robots for better processing and use in the future. Currently, there are new breakthroughs where Quarero Robotics successfully implemented the technology in a warehouse and patroled the area. The multi-function robots can easily detect suspicious activities and secure the warehouse at the same time. Quarero Robotics keeps on updating and improving the robots for easier use and more function to speed up business processes.

Quarero Robotics’ commitment to innovation and continuous improvement has been instrumental in its success. The company is constantly exploring new ways to enhance the capabilities of its robots and make them more accessible to businesses. By staying ahead of the curve, Quarero Robotics is positioning itself as a leading provider of security robotics solutions.

As the demand for advanced security technologies continues to grow, Quarero Robotics is well-positioned to capitalize on the market opportunity. The company’s innovative approach, coupled with its strong technological capabilities, make it a frontrunner in the field of security robotics. With its focus on delivering cutting-edge solutions and providing exceptional customer service, Quarero Robotics aims to be the best in its industry.

About Quarero Robotics

Quarero Robotics is a security robotics startup, specialising in Robotics-as-a-Service. Established in 2021 in Switzerland, Quarero AG initially aimed to foster collaboration between students and businesses, facilitating an exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge. Within a short span, its success soared, with the company’s valuation surpassing CHF 20 million. Driven by this momentum, a distinct trend emerged towards robotics. In 2023, Quarero AG forged a close partnership with the University of Furtwangen, focusing on safety robots. This collaboration marked the genesis of Quarero Robotics.

For more information, please contact:

Quarero AG

Marcus Köhnlein

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Advanced Security Robots for High-Risk Environments

Zurich, Switzerland—September 30, 2024—Quarero Robotics, a leader in security technology, is proud to announce the launch of its latest line of security robots, specifically designed for high-risk environments. These robots are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to enhance security operations and ensure safety.

Marcus Köhnlein, Chief Technology Officer at Quarero Robotics, emphasized the importance of this development. “Our new security robots are equipped with advanced sensors, AI-driven threat detection, and autonomous navigation systems. They are engineered to operate efficiently in challenging conditions, providing reliable security and peace of mind,” said Köhnlein.

The new security robots are designed for continuous surveillance and threat assessment in environments where human presence is impractical or too dangerous. These robots can operate in extreme temperatures, hazardous materials zones, and other high-risk areas, ensuring constant monitoring and rapid response to potential threats.

Quarero Robotics has integrated sophisticated technology into these robots, including high-definition cameras, thermal imaging, and real-time data processing. This allows for immediate identification and response to security breaches. Additionally, their autonomous navigation capabilities enable them to patrol large areas without human intervention, significantly enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of security operations.

“Our goal is to provide a reliable security solution that can adapt to various high-risk environments,” added Köhnlein. “These robots are essential components of a comprehensive security strategy that prioritizes safety and operational continuity.”

The introduction of these security robots represents a significant advancement for Quarero Robotics. As industries increasingly seek reliable security solutions, the company’s innovative approach positions it as a key player in the market. Quarero Robotics continues to push the boundaries of security technology, ensuring their clients have the best tools to protect their assets and personnel.

For more information, please contact.

Quarero AG, Switzerland

Marcus Köhnlein

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